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yes, bjj is relatively new, so when people are considering getting into it, looking for info and being affronted by every club being offensive about every other club in the area, you must know that puts people off! as for the comment in question, surely that is a matter of opinion, incapable as anybody is of proving or disproving the fact? as far as i can tell it would be expected that gracie barra have won more comps etc than ekbjj north as they have existed as a club for a hell of a lot longer... or am i mistaken?

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To be honest claims of being the best are always invidious as it is subjective. Personally I train at the forge GB Sheffield and cannot imagine a place I would be happier or that would have developed me into a medal winner. Also alot if what makes a club great is the people and I feel we have a world class coaching setup and some awesome team mates which again ranks it as number one for me personally

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Also after watching this video:


In a thread discussing BJJ Yorkshire/Derbyshire by the BJJ police im not really sure what Steve is teaching anymore...

LOL! Why can't we all run around holding hands?

Although the 3-man clotheline is becoming a popular technique on the street, so that definitely has real-world relevance.

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yes, bjj is relatively new, so when people are considering getting into it, looking for info and being affronted by every club being offensive about every other club in the area, you must know that puts people off! as for the comment in question, surely that is a matter of opinion, incapable as anybody is of proving or disproving the fact? as far as i can tell it would be expected that gracie barra have won more comps etc than ekbjj north as they have existed as a club for a hell of a lot longer... or am i mistaken?


Went back and read through the thread and could not find 1 single offensive statement about EKBJJ, you keep saying everyone is being offensive, but disagreeing and arguing with a WILD statement like that is just my opinion and that of the others who have posted.


Also no one on here has saying they are looking for info on BJJ has been affronted in any way and again NO offensive comments have been made. Maybe slow down with that accusation. These discussion have gotten much more heated in the past, i think like you even mention people should be allowed to express their opinions.


The Facts are simple and can be proven really if you knew the history of the situation you would understand. Ask the instructors at the other clubs where they started or used to train. Im not looking to argue with you as like you say you are a newbie to the sport and i cant be bothered to go back over every argument and the history of BJJ in sheffield, if you search on the forum i'm sure you could find more information to bring you up to date.


As far as i know EKBJJ north are a new club but the main people are not, they have been competing for a while and the competition history and medal numbers speak for themselves...

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i do apologise if i didn't make myself entirely clear... as i have already said, i have researched clubs both on here and on individual sites so i have read up on instructors and histories, and have read a hell of a lot of bitching between clubs!

my idea of taking part in this sport is to train with descent fun people who are there to enjoy their health and friends. i may at some point decide to enter competitions, but having 2 small kids and a full time job i know where my priorities are. having a medal or not doesn't make me any less dedicated or my instructors any less impressive, it means i will always put my family ahead of a sport.

personally, i respect your opinion, and the fact that i am a newbie shouldn't make my opinion any less important or viable.

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i do apologise if i didn't make myself entirely clear... as i have already said, i have researched clubs both on here and on individual sites so i have read up on instructors and histories, and have read a hell of a lot of bitching between clubs!

my idea of taking part in this sport is to train with descent fun people who are there to enjoy their health and friends. i may at some point decide to enter competitions, but having 2 small kids and a full time job i know where my priorities are. having a medal or not doesn't make me any less dedicated or my instructors any less impressive, it means i will always put my family ahead of a sport.

personally, i respect your opinion, and the fact that i am a newbie shouldn't make my opinion any less important or viable.


No need to apologise, maybe its my mistake. Glad you did your research and are happy where you are.


You seem to have a right idea of 'taking part' in the sport.


Now the medal statement i never said you were less dedicated or that it would make your instructors less impressive and wasn't implying as such.


I never said i didn't respect you're opinion just that (at the time) thinking you didn't know the situational history i didn't want to argue with you for no reason over points which have been covered in much more detail and by prettier people than me.


I think you have taken a lot of the posts the wrong way, as i said before i haven't said or seen anything offensive written here towards EKBJJ, not knowing you i don't know if you are aware i know Eddie Kone, Mark, John, Steve M and Tim and get along with them all.


The main point is for everyone to go out train hard, have fun and to progress in the sport and to also help the sport progress forward as it has so well over the past 10yrs i have been blessed to be involved in it.

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as of yet i haven't been forced to make a decision as to where i will train permanently. most of those you named, as well as others, have been very supportive and understanding of the fact that everyone is looking for something different when making that decision!

maybe i'm wrong, but as far as i'm aware steve m is no longer associated with eddie, mark and john (ekbjjnorth)?

i totally agree with your main point and look forward to meeting and training with those of greater experience that myself.

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de·fini·tive (dē fin′ə tiv, di-)




1.that decides or settles in a final way; decisive; conclusive: a definitive answer

2.most nearly complete and accurate; authoritative: a definitive biography

3.serving to define; limiting or distinguishing precisely: definitive details

4.designating or of a postage stamp for regular use, issued for an unlimited period



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de·fini·tive (dē fin′ə tiv, di-)




1.that decides or settles in a final way; decisive; conclusive: a definitive answer

2.most nearly complete and accurate; authoritative: a definitive biography

3.serving to define; limiting or distinguishing precisely: definitive details

4.designating or of a postage stamp for regular use, issued for an unlimited period




... and maybe those who train there do think that way. again, it's a matter of opinion.

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I would hope you are never forced into making a decision, Alot of our guys visit and train at various other Gyms with Highly respected teams and coaches. You should be able to train where you like, obviously when you find a Team that suits you the most whether its convenience of travel, price or Level & Quality of tuition.... or whatever then most people will stick with that.


You'll find most instructor are very understanding when getting a new student in, but you are looking for should be the most important factor in your decision.


Neither Steve or Tim are EKBJJ affiliates maybe i should have stated that they were separate but i thought most would comprehend the difference as most people already know this.


But it was in reference to claims i/we were being offensive to every other BJJ club mentioned.


Personally i think you came on this thread to defend your club, You registered just for this thread and with the name 'BlahBlah!' and came out making accusations of abuse towards your club which were not warranted and you cant back up. You have calmed down in the last few posts and hope that pattern continues.


As now we are discussing BJJ which is what i'm happy to do all day long.


My advice would be train everywhere you can, We did not have the luxury of numerous clubs within an hour much less 5 hours drive of sheffield back in the day.

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