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Thanks i accept you're heart felt apology.


Fully understand you're and JimJitsu's reference, don't really care.


Oh its because Definitive make no Grammatical sense in that statement or the statement on the website as was posted earlier by someone else and again the fact that grammar does exist and should preferably be used isn't personal opinion.

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How I see it is that you find a place that suits you, personally I have never been happier with a team, coach or gym as I am with GB Sheffield. The fact that we have a number of people now from other gyms who cane to us speaks volumes but at the end of the day plough your own furrow and find what suits you, I did it and am happy I wish the same to anyone else.


thanks bigstew, that's exactly what i'm hoping for. from what i've been told it's the team around you and the support you receive that really makes the sport great and i hope to find that eventually.


the rage; hope things go well with the site, once it's fine tuned it should be a good one!

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OH MY GOD!!! Whats all the whining bout on here?! The_Rage is simply letting people know about a new website and it seems to have been taken over by this RossP (who hasn't helped the number of hits as in percentage terms 100 out of 333 is not that fab). As an innocent bystander I get that RossP is clearly trying to promote his clubs admirable record.........however he just sounds like an arrogant piece of work and if I was researching a new club the character of the people who are attending would be part of the assessment and he is providing negative advertisement.


Get this thread back on track - check out the new website anyone who is reading this and decide for yourself. If you have any genuine issues with the factual content of the site can I suggest contacting the administrator of the site directly and discussing it with them. Be proactive not negative

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As an innocent bystander I get that RossP is clearly trying to promote his clubs admirable record.........however he just sounds like an arrogant piece of work and if I was researching a new club the character of the people who are attending would be part of the assessment and he is providing negative advertisement.


Thanks for that Great input and your judgement on my character from 1 thread discussing our sports politics :loopy::loopy:



Great post, the video says all that needs to be said.

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Get this thread back on track - check out the new website anyone who is reading this and decide for yourself.


ok emsy baby will do, i did go to have a look ... apart from the long wait ... the site has some really good sexy graphics! but if you click on a picture there is no in browser way of getting back to the site without using your back button.


but ....


as for the claim on the front page .... and i will take it to mean most authorative or conclusively the best for the sake of the grammatical argument ....


forget sheffield clubs altogether for a minute, theres Braulio Estima, Victor Estima, Lagarto, Ben Poppleton amongst others who "personally" teach out of the north ... so i think that IS up for debate

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