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Wroughton: thanks for your comments i'm glad everyone who reads the thread doesn't interpret it the emmie did (who i don't believe is an random bystander, a earlier dated post she said she had many friends who had gotten into BJJ and loved it)


JimJitsu: You are correct there are many great clubs around the north people have that luxury now i dont know why people don't travel to train more often.


Samurai: thanks brother your wisdom will help heal the world.


Final thoughts are, Bjj is highly regarded by it's practitioners. They are with justification proactive in ensuring the truth about the art, it's practitioners, instructors etc. is there to be seen.


First things first, a degree of hyperbole is to be expected in advertising.


However Blahblah says "i am amazed that the rage's effort to get publicity for this sport has actually turned into an excuse to slag off other clubs!!!"


Well it's not publicity for the SPORT; it's publicity for a particular CLUB and its stature. As such a logical thing for readers to do is attempt to validate those claims.


This club/www is not a charitable venture but a business pitching for customers (students). In open Market terms you should be able to justify the claims you make about your 'product'. Here the product is bjj and the club's stature.


Don't be surprised if others, particularly your competitors, challenge your assertions upon a factual basis; the intelligent should expect it and be able to deal with it comprehensively. They certainly shouldn't be offended.


If a trader makes untrue/unjustifiable claims he gets caught by trading standards or the advertising regulators.


So you should only make claims you can establish factually. Be ready for the bjj equivalent of the pepsi or daz challenge :-)

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I personally train at EKBJJ North, its a great club where everyone gets on and respects each other. We are affiliated with Eddie Kone, the only Black Belt under Royler Gracie outside of the US and Brazil and frequently run seminars held in South Yorkshire. If you would like to attend a class please check the website for times or if you are interested in seminars please feel free to email me for more details, everybody is welcome - hope to see you soon.

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Check out EKBJJ NORTHS new web site:




Hi Harry, long time no roll! Hope you, James, Chris, Doug, Mark etc are all well.


Look, in BJJ we are all very proud of our teams. In a sense BJJ has been built on the rivalry between Gracie Barra, Alliance, BTT etc. When I walked into the Combat Club in Abu Dhabi (run by BTT) with a Gracie Barra tee shirt on, a very large Brazilian said to me 'We hate Gracie Barra!' Whoops. But the other side of the rivalry is that all the teams are connected and related to each other. So after the inital comment in Abu Dhabi I couldn't have been better treated when I was there; because I was another BJJ guy.


I've trained at Gracie Barra for about 6 (6 1/2?? I'm starting to lose count...it's old age) years. So, of course I believe that Gracie Barra is the best, would it not be strange if I didn't think that? Nonetheless, I have a great respect for the guys from EKBJJ as when I couldn't get to my Gracie Barra class on a Wednesday I trained (with my instructor's blessing) there for over two years. I was welcomed with open arms and a number of those named above kicked my ass on a regular basis. Gracie Barra then moved to my side of town and I left on good terms with all the guys at Graves. That's where the respect comes from in BJJ, it's what you do on the mat, not on websites etc., that counts.


If it was me I wouldn't put on a website, "the definitive bjj club in the north of England", but that's up to EKBJJ. As John has pointed out there's at least ten BJJ clubs in the north of England that overshadow any of the Sheffield clubs. If you express an opinion like the one above you have to accept that others will express contrary opinions. If it's just about stirring things up and getting more hits then well done you obviously succeeded!!


Finally to Blahblah! like you I'm a family man with an incredibly busy job. I've no desire, or ability, to be a champion. I try and get on the mats around four times a week. But it's the champions I train with that help me get better, who push me, and an instructor who knows me and knows where I need to improve that keep me focussed and motivated. People do BJJ for different reasons, I want to be as good as I can possibly be-with all my limitations-and that's why I chose to train at Gracie Barra. You may do BJJ for different reasons. I just hope you find a club that suits you and that you'll continue to train. BJJ is an amazing, addictive art, which is why people are so passionate about it, I hope you too will fall in love with it. Cheers, Noel

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Hi Noel,


long time no see. The guys and myself are well. Im glad your still living the BJJ dream and enjoying it.

I feel the same about going to other clubs. Its always in the back of my mind if they will accept me for who I train under. We all clearly enjoy the sport. I have enjoyed training at GB Sheffield a few years ago when we had no classes on. I really learned some good stuff.


I didnt make this post to 'stir anything up' I thought it would be a nice (free) way of getting people to have a look at a club that I enjoy going to. I have no imput into the teaching or the website.


Anyway, all the best mate.



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Hi Harry, Sorry, in terms of the 'stirring things up' comment, I didn't mean you but rather the comment on the website. I know you're too nice for that ;)!!


I'm still in the same place, so if your work schedule is any more flexible, I've still a set of mats at church. All the best, Noel

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Hi Harry, Sorry, in terms of the 'stirring things up' comment, I didn't mean you but rather the comment on the website. I know you're too nice for that ;)!!


I'm still in the same place, so if your work schedule is any more flexible, I've still a set of mats at church. All the best, Noel



Nice one mate, I have a week off soon so I would like to come down and say hello. I will PM you my mobile number

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