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Israel will require new Citizen Loyalty Oath

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You seriously believe an entire nation voluntarily made themselves refugees?


for a start, there's never been any nation called 'Palestine', though of course it sounds better as a pathetic infantile soundbite if you attempt to pretend that there was. Some were forcibly removed, for sure. Many fled. Many left after being ordered or frightened out by Arab leaders. But they were not 'ethnically cleansed' - the very fact that there are today 1.2 million Arab citizens of Israel with equal rights under the law bears testament to that.


meanwhile, perhaps you'd care to state how many Jews were allowed to stay behind in those areas that ended up getting controlled by the Jordanians and Egyptians that ended up on, for them, the 'wrong' side of the 1948 ceasefire line?


answer : NONE. Not a single one. Those Jews that weren't killed out of hand were all expelled, even from areas like Hebron where there has been a continuous Jewish prescence for over 3,000 years.

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for a start, there's never been any nation called 'Palestine', ..


You attempt to use the fact that there was never a country called Palestine as some kind of justiification for the forced removal of Palestinians. that's just twisting words.


though of course it sounds better as a pathetic infantile soundbite if you attempt to pretend that there was. .


I didn't say there was, my frothing at the mouth zionist friend.


Some were forcibly removed, for sure. Many fled. Many left after being ordered or frightened out by Arab leaders..


Yes they were forced to leave, but I'd say it was more the killing by Israeli terror gangs that frightened them, than any words of 'Arab leaders'.


But they were not 'ethnically cleansed' .


Maybe you could explain the subtle difference between ethnic cleansing and systematically driving people from their homes through killing, violence and intimidation.


1.2 million Arab citizens of Israel with equal rights under the law bears testament to that.




Under the law on paper is not the same as what goes on in reality. It's common knowledge that Arab Israelis are subject to arbitrary detention and are otherwise discriminated against in a whole variety of ways in their treatment under the law.



meanwhile, perhaps you'd care to state how many Jews were allowed to stay behind in those areas that ended up getting controlled by the Jordanians and Egyptians that ended up on, for them, the 'wrong' side of the 1948 ceasefire line?


answer : NONE. Not a single one. Those Jews that weren't killed out of hand were all expelled, even from areas like Hebron where there has been a continuous Jewish prescence for over 3,000 years.


If that is true - about which I reserve my judgement on the strength of the accuracy of the other things you present as facts - it was wrong, and if it was happening today, I would totally oppose it, in the same way I oppose the gradual driving out of Palestinians from the areas dominated by Israel. The fact is though, that you can't use the past or present brutality of various Arab dictatorships as an excuse for the inhuman way the Israeli authorities treat Palestinians.

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It must be true, you read it in the Zionist equivalent of Bunty. You cite Israeli propaganda as if it were fact, and you act as if your fervent belief in this BS makes you some kind of authority.


it's just totally indisputable that it comes to standard indicators of freedom such as

Election of head of government. Election of parliament, Fairness of electoral laws, Right to organise political parties, Power of elected representatives, Presence of an opposition, Transparency, Minority participation, Level of corruption, Freedom of assembly, Independence of the judiciary, Press freedom, Religious freedom, Rule of law, and Property rights, Israel's Arab minority enjoy, even as a minority, greater levels of freedom than Arabs anywhere else in the Middle East.

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Maybe you could explain the subtle difference between ethnic cleansing and systematically driving people from their homes through killing, violence and intimidation


yes I can, actually. Here it is :


1. The Arabs started a war with the stated intention of ethnically cleansing Jews from the land.


2. As a result of this Arab aggression, ALL Jews in the territories illegally seized by invading Arab armies were ethnically cleansed.


3. Also as a result of this Arab war, many Arabs fled and some were expelled.


4. The majority were not "expelled". They fled without even seeing a Jewish soldier.


5. Most of those who did not voluntarily flee were not expelled, harmed or killed. A few were expelled, but most lived to become full citizens of Israel with equal protection under the law.


6. Yes, there were scattered expulsions during the Arab initiated war.


7. There was no plan for ethnic cleansing nor was Israel ethnically cleansed of Arabs, as is evidenced by the fact that there are today over a million Arabs in Israel.


8. Yet in the territories illegally seized by invading Arab armies in 1948, ALL Jews were expelled (or just killed).


9. Unless you're a propagandist pushing "ethnic cleansing" as a sound-bite, a slogan to be used for propaganda purposes, you should by now start understanding that expulsions and 'ethnic cleansing' are not one and the same.


10. Jews in what Zionists refer to Judea and Samaria, plus Gaza and eastern Jerusalem, were expelled to such an extent (totally) that not one remained. The area was "ethnically cleansed" of all Jews by Arabs.


13. The opposite cannot be said.


See the difference?

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