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Would you do it?

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Right basically on saturday i got talking to someone and he said that in bulgaria you can buy a house for like £15,000 and that to live a comfortable life over there you need around £400 a month so ive had a look and hes right about the house prices but my question is would you ever do it if you had the cash to do so?


personally i wouldnt but thats because i like to be in a place im familar with.


Now i know that any house would need to be modernised but come on £15,000 you cant buy a good car for that these days.



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I would. My friends sister moved out there a few years ago, she's now started up her own business and is doing well for herself, she loves it, all the people in their village watch out for each other, if they see a stranger about they are on the phone trying to find out who it is. The only problem I would find is sometimes the water goes off for days at a time, I couldn't go a week without having a bath :gag:

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well i was talking to a work mate today and he said he wouldnt because of the chance of people coming and repossessing your home like mobs and such like but my initial thought was you never know in five years that could be happening here.


I would. My friends sister moved out there a few years ago, she's now started up her own business and is doing well for herself, she loves it, all the people in their village watch out for each other, if they see a stranger about they are on the phone trying to find out who it is. The only problem I would find is sometimes the water goes off for days at a time, I couldn't go a week without having a bath :gag:
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