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Should men get their child maintanance back?

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Nobody has suggested that he should, or will, stop loving the child. The question raised in the OP was purely a financial one.
To me, and most normal people, if my 'father' had asked for his money back that he'd invested in me, on the grounds that he wasn't actually my father, what other conclusion would I draw?


In fact, in this case it was a boy, it could be enough to turn him into a serial killer.

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It's very atavistic and almost akin to male animals killing the cubs of another male when they join the pride.


Presumably those sorts of people are weeded out during the adoption process? Otherwise would we see people wanting their investment in an adopted child back if it proved to be less than satisfactory in the long term?


I agree and one wonders if he were ever committed in the first place, if he demands some reimbursement, to see having a child purely in monetary terms. The ties that bind should be love and protection, ultimately.


This is nothing to do with contraception. This is about a woman's choice to cheat on her husband and then to lie to him through fear of losing him, i.e. a selfish act. One that should not only be see for what it is, but one no one should try to defend either.


Should a man be able to commit adultery, father other children and lie to his wife about it? Would you be defending a man who did this just as strongly as you are a woman who does the same?


I agree, it is a selfish act - whether it's male or female. However, what irks me is the constant blame apportioned on women who get pregnant, accidentally, as has been evidenced on here. Men need to face up to their responsibilities too, if they don't want some random woman or even non-random woman, chasing him for child maintenance or some kid turning up on his doorstep in several years hence, then he needs to protect himself. Once he's got a woman pregnant, then it is largely out of his control. Too many men seem more than willing to abdicate all responsibility for contraception then moan like hell when they're caught out.

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Presumably you believe the men who 'knobble them' don't share the risk of responsibility? If the man in question hadn't had unprotected sex with her he wouldn't have placed himself in a position where she could claim he was the child's father.


It's also the man's choice whether he accepts the offer and what precautions he decides to take to avoid fathering children he might have little interest in.


At last someone has said this - pity it's not possible for men who are promiscuous to get temporary sterilisation until they are ready to settle down

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By all means, vent your spleen on the mother, but the child?


I'm not saying it's right (or wrong). Just that people act irrationally when their lives have been proven to be based on a lie/times of (dis)tress:(.


As to the contraception issue you raised before I can only say that the woman went and had an affair, therefore she should have made sure the man took precatutions - or not set out to have the affair. The woman is 100% to blame in the scenario you described (and implied was "the norm in these cases").


There's certainly no excuse for lying for 17 years:mad:

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At last someone has said this - pity it's not possible for men who are promiscuous to get temporary sterilisation until they are ready to settle down


I remember listening to a report on Radio 4 a few months back about this issue. They said that the reason why a male pill has not been developed is because pharmaceuticals are afraid of litigation. Back in the 60's there was no culture of suing at the drop of a hat compared to now.

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