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Should we worry about Turkey possibly joining the EU?

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Is it a good thing that a country like Turkey being a full member of the EU?


The dominant religion in Turkey is Islam.


Turkey will have the second largest numbrt of MEP's.



While on a visit to Saudi Arabia this year, the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that the Turkish government abolished visa requirements for several Middle Eastern countries, including Syria and Libya, this could mean that if Turkey is part of the EU, almost the entire Middle East will have legal and visa free access to Europe, and to Britain.


When asked at a press conference if this visa liberalisation would change if Turkey joined the EU, Mr Erdogan answered with a quote from the Koran: "Strive for what is right, as it (by God) is commanded."


Just because nationals from those countries you quoted can now freely travel to Turkey, it does not mean that those nationals will be able to enter the UK without the relevant visa. Afterall, just because the nationals are in Europe, it doesn't automatically make them European.


Personally, I don't think Turkey will be allowed to join the EU. There are many human rights violations against their name for start, especially with the Kurds and furthermore, they, as a country, do not acknowledge Cyprus as a country. Cyprus being a member country of the EU.

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If you speak to turks in the tourist area's they are not keen to join the EU- they are of the opinion it will destroy tourism and they will lose their strong identity. As things stand with the kurds they are a long way off meeting the requirements for the EU under human rights issues. Many young turk lads are desperate to get to the UK anyway and will marry anyone to get a visa, if Turkey joins the EU we could be flooded with young turks trying to avoid national service and with very little skills of use to offer our country.

I love Turkey, been several times and currently own property there (although selling for several reasons), however I don't want them to join the EU.

As for the muslim issue then people needn't worry, as someone else said,they are secular and feel strongly that religion has no place in politics. Whilst they are proud of their faith they are by means fanatic about it.

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Germany and France both seem dead set against the idea but David Cameron is reportedly enthusiastic - more cheap labour for his chums to exploit of course.


If they were allowed to join, a Turkish national working here with a wife and four kids at home would be entitled to more in UK Child Benefit than he could earn at home. :D

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YES WE SHOULD WORRY!! My opinion has nothing to do with religion - how can we afford yet another addition to drain our welfare system, our housing, our education, our jobs - and who is going to pay for the interpreters needed at hospitals, schools, police stations etc? - WE, THE TAX PAYERS, OF COURSE (if we're lucky enouogh to have a job!)

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