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Support group for parents affected by stillborn

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I could do with a bit of assistance here.


A friend of a very close friend has recently given birth to a stillborn baby girl. Everyone thought she was coping and getting over it as good as can be expected, however last night she was talking about attempting suicide and then late last night did actually try.


My friend has sat with her all night, and is desperate for her to get some sort of support, as it appears she has been left to flounder. It would appear her other half is as much use as a one legged bloke at an arse kicking contest.


Does anyone know of any sort of support groups in the area?

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If nobody close to this lady has contacted SANDS can I suggest that they do so on her behalf, if only to find out some information about how best to support her and what other services she may be able to access.




There's also the Miscarriage Association, but a mum who has lost a baby at birth is likely to be offended just by the name when it comes to contact.

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My sister went through the same thing, friends and family can provide the best support but as Medusa has already said, there are support groups.

Try to remember her other half might be useless for a reason, he's suffering as well I would hope, We men express grief differently, maybe he needs your friends support as well.

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im so sorry to hear of her loss, we have been through the same thing and i so hope she is ok, SANDS is really good and helped us in our time of need, she sounds as if she has a fantastic bunch of friends and family but if you or the lady in question or even her husband needs to talk any time day or night then please dont hesitate to pm me.


hope all goes well, angel xx

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Sorry to hear of your friend's loss.


The SANDS helpline is open at the following times: 9.30am - 5.30pm, Monday - Friday and Tuesday and Thursday 6 - 10pm.


If your friend feels the need to talk to someone outside of those hours, she can call Samaritans on (0114) 276 7277 or the national number on 08457 90 90 90 where she can talk to someone in confidence at any time of the day or night, it's a 24 hour service.


If she's made an attempt on her life and was hospitalised as a result, then she should already have been referred for a psychiatric consultation and emotional support will be made available to her.

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