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Chilean miners-all 33 rescued! Joy!

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You have a low opinion of mankind, dont you?

Have some self respect for goodness sake.

What are you talking about 'have some self respect' ?

That's the most retarded thing I have read on here today.


How can my opinion of mankind have any reflection on my self respect ? :loopy:


I think its your high opinion of human nature that needs re evaluating, people will do some very strange things when pushed to it or outside of there comfort zone. Do you think that everyone is going to act civilised in places way out of civilisation, or is it more believable that they would resort to instinct to survive ?


I can hand on heart say that if push came to shove, if the circumstance were right, I would not rule out eating someone. And if I was with someone like yourself who was all against it and wanted to act all civilised, then I assure you that you would be the main course.

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Because there was 17 days prior to the time what you are talking about where they could not have known what was to come. your talking retrospectively. Im not saying it was fore front on their minds but it must have crossed them.


For days they were all battling and fighting amongst themselves, would they have done that if they had known they were going to get out ? does that sound like the rational mind at work ? who knows what they must have been thinking ? and why you cant rule it out. Unless you were there then your in no position to say I am wrong in my supposition.


They wernt though were they?

They had a good man in charge, and they were all good disciplined men.


Men who work in dangerous jobs, are not screaming tarts, they would not be selected for the job, or last five minutes if they were.

I work with many ex coal miners, and they are gentle tough guys, who you can rely on.

Intelligent, witty men.

Horribly maligned and slandered and libelled a generation ago.

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They wernt though were they?

They had a good man in charge, and they were all good disciplined men.


Men who work in dangerous jobs, are not screaming tarts, they would not be selected for the job, or last five minutes if they were.

I work with many ex coal miners, and they are gentle tough guys, who you can rely on.

Intelligent, witty men.

Horribly maligned and slandered and libelled a generation ago.

They were at each others throats in the first days, why are you trying to tart it up and glamorise it ?


Your the sort that would re write history to give some sort or moral message for the generations to come rather than tell it how it is.


Oh yeh, I see it now, One man, one mine, 32 under people under his charge, imminent death, This is the story of THE FOREMAN !


Are you writing the film to it ?

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They were at each others throats in the first days, why are you trying to tart it up and glamorise it ?


Your the sort that would re write history to give some sort or moral message for the generations to come rather than tell it how it is.


Oh yeh, I see it now, One man, one mine, 32 under people under his charge, imminent death, This is the story of THE FOREMAN !


Are you writing the film to it ?


From who does this privy information come?

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From who does this privy information come?


So what if they were 'at each other's throats'? Is it not entirely understandable, one can only begin to imagine the atmosphere fraught with tension and fear? It's nothing to be ashamed of, however, why some are choosing to focus on this particular aspect, I have no idea. For once we have a feel good news story with a 100% positive outcome and yet there is a desire from some quarters to turn it into some kind of scandalous story.:(

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So what if they were 'at each other's throats'? Is it not entirely understandable, one can only begin to imagine the atmosphere fraught with tension and fear? It's nothing to be ashamed of, however, why some are choosing to focus on this particular aspect, I have no idea. For once we have a feel good news story with a 100% positive outcome and yet there is a desire from some quarters to turn it into some kind of scandalous story.:(


These men were a team, who had worked together for long enough.

They knew each others strengths and weaknesses.

They had a good leader, who kept a lid on it all.


All I can imagine is that people who say they lost it have never been part of a team.

That is what it means, teamwork.

Working together for the best outcome.


If it had gone on for much longer, then it may have come unravelled.

But it didnt did it?

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