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Chilean miners-all 33 rescued! Joy!

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Least little thing ? and Im accused of trivialising it :hihi:


How would they have known help was on the way ? This rescue is unprecedented, do you know what that means ? it means its never happened before. Miners know the risk, no miner could ever think that they would have been rescued in those circumstances, hope yes, know ? no way.


You live on fantasy Island my friend.


With your philosophy Scammonden Bridge is the best place for you.

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So what you really want is an account like the movie "Alive" that doesn't gloss over any unsavoury parts rather than a Hollywood movie where Justin Beiber triumphantly digs them out with his bare hands after giving a speech about how he can be counted on and how great his 6 pack is?

What I am saying is I hope the book of it is honest to the core by all those involves, the film is another story as its all glamour and the type of imagery that Artisan is trying to paint.

The real story should be told no matter how unpalatable to us because we are after all animals at heart and I hope that our frailties come across as well as the glory side to this event, that way we truly learn instead of living life's and beliefs based on lies. If you know understand why we have God then you'll understand what I mean.


Am I the only person here that gets what I mean and would rather have fact rather than fiction ?

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Well, forgive me but your posts were not conveying an empathetic interest in the human psychology of endurance and triumph over adversity.

Im not sure, I was talking about eating someone in that situation and that I thought it must have entered there heads (as many things may have) whether I am right or wrong is what I am interested in, and only got drawn further into this by Artisans stupid statements that they most defiantly would not have thought that way when know one can tell what they would have thought, only they would know, so I hope that when the story comes out that they are honest and don't feel they have to conform to the sort of pressures the likes of Artisan would put on them to show man's triumph at every stage over fear and adversity.

If you read the comments that he has come out with then you would have though Stephen Spielberg had written it.


What I was saying about eating people cannot be dismissed out of hand as it was, or have me ridiculed as someone trying to cheapen what these men have over come because I most certainly was not trying to do that.

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What I am saying is I hope the book of it is honest to the core by all those involves, the film is another story as its all glamour and the type of imagery that Artisan is trying to paint.

The real story should be told no matter how unpalatable to us because we are after all animals at heart and I hope that our frailties come across as well as the glory side to this event, that way we truly learn instead of living life's and beliefs based on lies. If you know understand why we have God then you'll understand what I mean.


Am I the only person here that gets what I mean and would rather have fact rather than fiction ?

Nope, seems reasonable to me
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They are going to winch people up in that little shuttle type cage, its got to be due for a sad ending :(.


How is it ?


Wanting a warts and all account to gain some insight into it means that you wanted them all to die ?


How do you come to that conclusion then if I may ask ?


Please, its a genuine question, how did you come up with it ?




Because from the outset you (re the thread) seemed to have stamped failure on the rescue. As it's a complete rescue success I can't see why anyone would be interested in the bickering prior to being found would add any further news worthy content, as the success totally overshadows the possibility of a non ****-up let alone a bit of bickering. If the psychology behind their state of mind prior to first contact is of great importance then I'm sure you could start a thread exploring that.

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Because from the outset you (re the thread) seemed to have stamped failure on the rescue. As it's a complete rescue success I can't see why anyone would be interested in the bickering prior to being found would add any further news worthy content, as the success totally overshadows the possibility of a non ****-up let alone a bit of bickering. If the psychology behind their state of mind prior to first contact is of great importance then I'm sure you could start a thread exploring that.
Back up one memento...


Your justifying your view on something I wrote with an out of context post I wrote right back at the start of the topic ?


My post at the beginning was a supposition of what could occur in the on coming event. An event that has never been tried before never mind pulled off.

I had every right to believe that it may not go right, this is not an every day event, we can't even get every day events right.

I used our national football team as an example of where we think its in the bag every time only for it to 'go pear shaped'.


Why did you not post on the subject that we were talking about rather than draw on a previous conversation that had little context in what was being discussed before you drew up any conclusions ?


So what your saying is that because I had reservations from the start about the impending rescue its fair to assume that all posts after that must be on the same lines, even though you could read what the conversation was about ?


Why start a topic about something when there's one already up, only for a Mod to point out the said topic ?

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well they had a supply hole dint they


Not for the first 17 days (it took days to drill the initial supply bore hole):(.


I bet a few of them thought 'who we going to eat first then ?'


After 10 days on a spoonful of tuna every 48 hours, I think most people would start to think such thoughts. At a certain point in time the human survival instinct will kick in; at which point, such thoughts will surface.


What people need to realise, is that for 17 days, these people thought they were going to die, entombed in a crypt, half a mile under a mountain. Are people really saying that under such extremes people will all act rationally?


I'm just glad they're all out:thumbsup:


one can only begin to imagine the atmosphere fraught with tension and fear?


To be honest, I can't get close. Just trying to melts my brain:


Half a mile under a mountain, knowing the chance of rescue was pretty much zero, surviving on tuna (I'd have been the first one dead 'cause I detest the stuff), sweltering heat...


It's nothing to be ashamed of


Indeed. Perfectly normal behaviour. But maybe it's the media's portrayal of the story that is why:


some are choosing to focus on this particular aspect, I have no idea.


Because they're being portrayed as super men, rather than real men (IYSWIM)?


For once we have a feel good news story with a 100% positive outcome(


Thankfully so:thumbsup:.


They have rescued the 34th miner !



Didn't take long, did it?:D


on maggies birthday miners are celebrating :hihi:


But not the British miners:(.


:huh:for telling a joke




For use of the "M" word above:nono:.

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SCCSUX, you have highlighted the point I was trying to make,many thanks.


Some have attacked me for dare suggesting such a thing, others have denied they ever had any doubt of rescue or cause to think that way, and others have just jumped over from other topics to have a quick swiped at me without even bothering to read the conversation, just because they have seen some tension in the posts and thought it a good time as any to have a pop.


Like I said, cheers.


On on that note Im off out for some fresh air. All this talk of being stuck down a mine has left me feeling a little stuffy ;)

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