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Chilean miners-all 33 rescued! Joy!

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They are going to winch people up in that little shuttle type cage, its got to be due for a sad ending :(


If the life can kick you in the nutts it will. I say about 4 will make it but cave the lot in on the others. One of them will do something stupid like strike a match on the wall on the way up to have a quick relieved ciggy.


Don't go tempting fate hard2miss, let's just all live in hope (not the place in the Peak District).

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The actual lift time for each man will be around 15-20 minutes or so. They will be equipped with oxygen masks, heart monitors, blood pressure monitors and a phone to contact those on the surface. They will have to wear specially made dark glasses for awhile as their eyes need to adjust to the sudden brighteness.

God bless em and enjoy being reunited with your familes once more


This operation will without a doubt be completely succesful

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They brought in..dare I say it, an American to operate the drill


The men in charge of the drilling operation were flown in from Afganistan where they were working on drilling wells for the US army and a team from NASA were on site to help the men deal psychologically with the strain of being in a claustrophobic situation along with being isolated, similar to what astronauts experience.


Yep, the Americans were there as usual whenever help is needed but dont tell that to some of the SF members. It might ruin their day :D

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