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80 hours community service & 12 months probation for torture

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Another sickening day for our lamentable justice system.




I hope this gets referred to the Home Secretary for being unduly lenient, and it's about time these judges were disciplined if they give inappropriately lenient sentances.


If anybody doubts whether this should be called torture, consider if it would have been US or UK troops meating out this treatment to detainees in Afghanistan or Iraq (remember Camp Breadbasket, Abu Ghreb?) and would rightly cause international condemnation and furore, yet in this country you can get away with it.

If i werent gipping at the thought of all this id be checking the calender. Only i was sure wed already had an april fools day this year.

A sad, sad day for decent people everywhere :(

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So in order to prove how good you are and how bad they are, you wish to make yourself a murderer?


You realise that then YOU become the sub-human and anyone would be quite within their rights to kill you for killing them, right? And on and on.


Not at all, i am a big believer in capital punishment. The 3 people involved will be nothing more than a drain on our society, and therefore no use or good to anyone or anything and anyone with a mind as sick as theirs will no doubt strike again, maybe next time on one of your family members? So why take the risk?

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In some of the aborginal areas of australia they have a law called "payback " which bypasses white mans law and allows indigenous people to punish there own, as in beating with nullas and spearing in the legs and other parts of the body .some repeat offenders are made to stay in remote areas and live off the land for a few months in isolation .seems to work in lot of cases.

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So in order to prove how good you are and how bad they are, you wish to make yourself a murderer?


You realise that then YOU become the sub-human and anyone would be quite within their rights to kill you for killing them, right? And on and on.


No, what they did is an unprovoked attack against someone much weaker than them. If the state had any balls and off'ed these pieces of filth then that would be a punnishment.

Not an umprovoked attack like the criminals performed.

A punnishment, and a rather fitting one at that.

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So in order to prove how good you are and how bad they are, you wish to make yourself a murderer?


You realise that then YOU become the sub-human and anyone would be quite within their rights to kill you for killing them, right? And on and on.


so what kind of punishment do you think they deserve .

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There's something wrong with people who would do a thing like that. In passing such a sentence the judge has treated this as if it were some normal youthful misdemeanor, which raises questions about his own feelings concerning sadistic vioolence.. They should have been made an example of. Instead he has sent out the oppsite message.

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