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Was MI6 Agent Gareth Williams killed by his own team?

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I've had a Bee in my 'tin foil bonnet' about this guy since i first heard of his murder.

Quote from 'Are we being primed for false flag attacks'.(posted 27/09/10).


"Like the murdered MI6 guy,The Sun did two days of front page stuff telling us he was into weird sex,suggesting to us he was probably killed in some sex game or by a "lover",the third day another spread but they don't mention until the last line that there was no evidence to back up what they had been claiming.But now it's a dark skinned couple seen loitering on cctv that are suspects.

As he was involved in surveillance of taliban communications etc.My feeling is he was perhaps not happy at something he was asked to do or found out something he shouldn't,perhaps threatened to whistle blow and was murdered by his "own team". (just a possibility)

Why did it take six days to start looking for him ?

Why do the character assassination ?

Is that respectful to a guy thats been killed,and his family ? "


Since i wrote that it has been reported that Gareth was the guy that intercepted messages that were to thwart the Mumbai style attacks on our country...And led to a US drone strike-



And a quote from another report.(Express)

"Meanwhile, there was fury in the US last night after FBI attempts to quiz Mr Williams’ best friend, a 25-year-old British woman working for British security in Colorado – were blocked by UK officials."


So basically we have a suspect,put to death without trial,on the information from one dead MI6 agent and a "terrorist that "broke under interrorgation".Oh and i'm sure Bin Laden was mentioned somewhere.

It all leads me to believe i was right in above quote

So could he have been murdered by his "own team" ?.

Seems there's not just me thinking it.


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Why the character assassination ?


This is exactly what you have done. You are suggesting that he either committed a treason, or was expected to commit treason, that was so serious that the government killed him. This means you are calling someone a traitor without any evidence. It also means that you are calling other crown servants murderers without any evidence.


If any of the deluded drivel you spout were true, then they would surely just knock him down with a car or give him a secret injection of super-secret stuff that makes it look like suicide? Would they really kill him in a way that attracts the attention of the entire UK media?

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If any of the deluded drivel you spout were true, then they would surely just knock him down with a car or give him a secret injection of super-secret stuff that makes it look like suicide? Would they really kill him in a way that attracts the attention of the entire UK media?


Well it depends, doesn't it? - If they want people to watch the next episide read V for Vengeance's next post they're not going to give away the script and they're hardly going to have him run over by a bus.


It's not East Benders, you know. ;)

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This is exactly what you have done. You are suggesting that he was expected to commit treason, that was so serious that the government killed him.


Is being asked to commit treason a crime ? obviously the person doing the asking is(guilty of a crime) and they would have motive to kill him should he refuse.

Maybe the guy had morals,unlike those with the power.

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I've had a Bee in my 'tin foil bonnet' about this guy since i first heard of his murder.

Quote from 'Are we being primed for false flag attacks'.(posted 27/09/10).


"Like the murdered MI6 guy,The Sun did two days of front page stuff telling us he was into weird sex,suggesting to us he was probably killed in some sex game or by a "lover",the third day another spread but they don't mention until the last line that there was no evidence to back up what they had been claiming.But now it's a dark skinned couple seen loitering on cctv that are suspects.

As he was involved in surveillance of taliban communications etc.My feeling is he was perhaps not happy at something he was asked to do or found out something he shouldn't,perhaps threatened to whistle blow and was murdered by his "own team". (just a possibility)

Why did it take six days to start looking for him ?

Why do the character assassination ?

Is that respectful to a guy thats been killed,and his family ? "


Since i wrote that it has been reported that Gareth was the guy that intercepted messages that were to thwart the Mumbai style attacks on our country...And led to a US drone strike-



And a quote from another report.(Express)

"Meanwhile, there was fury in the US last night after FBI attempts to quiz Mr Williams’ best friend, a 25-year-old British woman working for British security in Colorado – were blocked by UK officials."


So basically we have a suspect,put to death without trial,on the information from one dead MI6 agent and a "terrorist that "broke under interrorgation".Oh and i'm sure Bin Laden was mentioned somewhere.

It all leads me to believe i was right in above quote

So could he have been murdered by his "own team" ?.


Like 9/11 and 7/7, it was an inside job.

Its all about the black stuff. And i dont mean immigration.

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Is being asked to commit treason a crime ? obviously the person doing the asking is and they would have motive to kill him should he refuse.

Maybe the guy had morals,unlike those with the power.


Where does committing treason come in to this?

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