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Was MI6 Agent Gareth Williams killed by his own team?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Funny how the sun knew how this was gonna turn out when it began.


Despite this. http://news.uk.msn.com/world/articles.aspx?cp-documentid=154535696


The case of Gareth Williams, the murdered MI6 codebreaker, becomes curiouser and curiouser. The First Post was among the first to suggest that the 'evidence' pointing towards a homosexual and/or sadomasochistic murder might be a ruse, possibly planted by the killer to lead investigators astray.


Now it appears we were right to be suspicious - but that the misinformation might not be the work of the killer, as we suggested, but of the government, possibly MI6 itself.


Police who found Williams's body at his Pimlico flat have now made it clear that reports about the discovery of bondage gear, gay contact magazines and male escorts' phone numbers at the scene are quite wrong. No such things were found.


According to the Guardian, the officers described the killing as "a neat job", indicating a professional hit.


So who has been putting out the story that Williams might have been part of a London gay scene and was probably killed as a result?


.....Well,it was the Sun wasn't it ?

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  • 1 month later...
I've had a Bee in my 'tin foil bonnet' about this guy since i first heard of his murder.

Quote from 'Are we being primed for false flag attacks'.(posted 27/09/10).


"Like the murdered MI6 guy,The Sun did two days of front page stuff telling us he was into weird sex,suggesting to us he was probably killed in some sex game or by a "lover",the third day another spread but they don't mention until the last line that there was no evidence to back up what they had been claiming.But now it's a dark skinned couple seen loitering on cctv that are suspects.

As he was involved in surveillance of taliban communications etc.My feeling is he was perhaps not happy at something he was asked to do or found out something he shouldn't,perhaps threatened to whistle blow and was murdered by his "own team". (just a possibility)

Why did it take six days to start looking for him ?

Why do the character assassination ?

Is that respectful to a guy thats been killed,and his family ? "


Since i wrote that it has been reported that Gareth was the guy that intercepted messages that were to thwart the Mumbai style attacks on our country...And led to a US drone strike-



And a quote from another report.(Express)

"Meanwhile, there was fury in the US last night after FBI attempts to quiz Mr Williams’ best friend, a 25-year-old British woman working for British security in Colorado – were blocked by UK officials."


So basically we have a suspect,put to death without trial,on the information from one dead MI6 agent and a "terrorist that "broke under interrorgation".Oh and i'm sure Bin Laden was mentioned somewhere.

It all leads me to believe i was right in above quote

So could he have been murdered by his "own team" ?.


Funny how the sun knew how this was gonna turn out when it began.


Despite this. http://news.uk.msn.com/world/articles.aspx?cp-documentid=154535696


The case of Gareth Williams, the murdered MI6 codebreaker, becomes curiouser and curiouser. The First Post was among the first to suggest that the 'evidence' pointing towards a homosexual and/or sadomasochistic murder might be a ruse, possibly planted by the killer to lead investigators astray.


Now it appears we were right to be suspicious - but that the misinformation might not be the work of the killer, as we suggested, but of the government, possibly MI6 itself.


Police who found Williams's body at his Pimlico flat have now made it clear that reports about the discovery of bondage gear, gay contact magazines and male escorts' phone numbers at the scene are quite wrong. No such things were found.


According to the Guardian, the officers described the killing as "a neat job", indicating a professional hit.


So who has been putting out the story that Williams might have been part of a London gay scene and was probably killed as a result?"


.....Well,it was the Sun wasn't it ?




Despite this it seems they are searching for the dark skinned couple again,they now they think they may have been involved in the "sex game".

And despite the earlier police reports saying no evidence was found in his flat to back up what the sun had been saying about his private life we now get this story.


Quote The Sun.



Published: 23 Dec 2010

"THE spy found dead in a bag at his flat had £15,000 worth of women's designer dresses and shoes, cops said yesterday.

MI6 code breaker Gareth Williams, 31, had also been using a string of bondage websites.


Some featured claustrophilia, in which confined spaces are used to get sexual kicks."


Yet ,not long ago remember "Police who found Williams's body at his Pimlico flat have now made it clear that reports about the discovery of bondage gear, gay contact magazines and male escorts' phone numbers at the scene are quite wrong. No such things were found."


...What the hell is going on here ?

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  • 1 year later...

I raised my suspicions over this case back in September 2010. Now look at this on today's Daily Mail.



"The MI6 spy whose body was found locked in a sports bag may have been killed by a secret agent, his family said yesterday.

Their barrister suggested a sinister cover-up had left them with no way of knowing how and why Gareth Williams died.

One theory is that he died at the hands of a colleague. Another is that a foreign agent killed him because of his espionage work.

The discovery of the body in his flat near the Secret Service headquarters in London sparked a 20-month police inquiry that has drawn a blank.

At a public hearing yesterday, it emerged that the flat may have been swept clean of evidence, with no fingerprints or DNA anywhere.

It was also revealed that – far from being a back-office worker – Mr Williams had just completed training for deployment on operations.

Other revelations included:

An expert seeking signs of forced entry said he was hampered because the front door had been taken from its hinges and locks removed;

Pathologists still cannot agree on how Mr Williams died. The 31-year-old suffered no visible injuries and could not have locked himself in the bag according to police;

DNA found on his hand that police rated as highly significant was in fact left by a bungling forensic scientist.

The unclothed body of the super-fit maths prodigy was found in a large padlocked North Face bag in the bath of his Government-owned Pimlico flat in August 2010.

The codebreaker from Anglesey, North Wales, had links to London's bondage and gay scene and it had already been suggested a sex game, possibly with a colleague, may have had a tragic end.

But Westminster Coroner Dr Fiona Wilcox was told yesterday his grieving family fear whoever is responsible expertly covered up the evidence.

Their barrister Anthony O'Toole rejected the conclusion of an internal MI6 inquiry that Mr Williams's death 'had nothing to do with his work'."



Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2122792/Secret-agents-specialising-dark-arts-covered-death-MI6-spy-holdall.html#ixzz1qgIYWBdC




...They need me on the case. :D

I'd start with the Sun reporters that released all the disinformation, find out who they really work for/as.

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I've just found this interesting article




Apparently the investigators have found NO evidence he was gay.



"Investigators have found no evidence so far that murdered MI6 spy Gareth Williams was gay, it emerged yesterday.

His family and friends have said there was nothing to suggest he was gay and have reacted furiously to ‘untruths’ that he led a colourful homosexual lifestyle, claiming the rumours could be government smears aimed at discrediting him.

Police inquiries have supported their view that he was not gay. Scotland Yard has denied speculation that gay paraphernalia was discovered in the flat or that there is any link to a male escort."



Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1307314/Police-evidence-dead-MI6-agent-gay.html#ixzz1qy8Jwc00


So how did this misinformation come about?




"Cops found women's clothing that would fit him at his Pimlico flat in central London, a short distance from MI6's HQ beside the Thames."


"And Mr Williams, 31 — found murdered at his central London home — was known to meet men in the capital's gay mecca of Vauxhall Cross and Soho in the West End."




"Dresspionage: MI6 spy found dead in bag had £15,000 of dresses and shoes at his flat


Last Updated: 12 Jan 2011

THE spy found dead in a bag at his flat had £15,000 worth of women's designer dresses and shoes, cops said yesterday.

MI6 code breaker Gareth Williams, 31, had also been using a string of bondage websites.

Some featured claustrophilia, in which confined spaces are used to get sexual kicks."

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Why don't the police arrest and question 'The Sun' reporters that reported the disinformation in the first place I wonder?

Obviously the original source would have to be a major suspect in Gareth's murder/cover up.

It doesn't take Columbo to work that out.

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Why don't the police arrest and question 'The Sun' reporters that reported the disinformation in the first place I wonder?

Obviously the original source would have to be a major suspect in Gareth's murder/cover up.

It doesn't take Columbo to work that out.


I wouldn't be surprised if the Sun just made it up. It is afterall what they do for the majority of their pieces.



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