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It was my Birthday

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As I have reached a mile stone in life and reluctantly turned 30 (last friday) it has been suggested a drink maybe the order of the day


So anyone who wants to come along, I shall be in the Dev Cat at 8 this Sat. We may even move to various drinking holes as the night progresses


Hope to see people there (a few fingers crossed that this happens)


Justin :)

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As I have reached a mile stone in life and reluctantly turned 30 (last friday) it has been suggested a drink maybe the order of the day


So anyone who wants to come along, I shall be in the Dev Cat at 8 this Sat. We may even move to various drinking holes as the night progresses


Hope to see people there (a few fingers crossed that this happens)


Justin :)


Would it be ok to bring my dogs and the youngest three kids,their mothers have fallen out with me and stopped my maintenance,could do with a massive free pi** up.


Can we start somewhere with a kids room.we can leave em there and pick em up sometime on Sunday.


I can see us as bezzie mates,you could be like a second dad to the tribe,you never know,we could end up sharing the kids on a rota.

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Would it be ok to bring my dogs and the youngest three kids,their mothers have fallen out with me and stopped my maintenance,could do with a massive free pi** up.


Can we start somewhere with a kids room.we can leave em there and pick em up sometime on Sunday.


I can see us as bezzie mates,you could be like a second dad to the tribe,you never know,we could end up sharing the kids on a rota.



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Bad news Itch.


They've changed my bail conditions,i'm now on curfew.


I know how distraught this will have left you,an i can assure you i've tried everything known to man to shift this tag on my leg.


Anyway i've been thinking,i could get a few of the lads to come to my gaff(unfortunately most are ASBOd from the area) and you an your mates could come with the booze,cider,lager,vodka and could you throw in a few alcopops to keep the little uns quiet.


Sounds like a plan to me,let me know if anyone is coming by car and i'll clear a space in the garden and leave a couple of the dogs outside to watch over them.


Anyway bell me an we'll agree a cover charge.


Cheers buddy.


PS. I've come across a wagon load of badmington stuff,you know saddles an fences an that,you could knock them out at the next club meeting,failing that make me a member and i'll cut you in.


It's all kosher, just smells a bit horsey,but you'll all be used to that.

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