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Outrageous University fees.

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again thats a different issue, they should be working but thats a benefit issue not a student loan issue.


Or do you expect their benefits to include a student loans payment-that wouldnt really solve either problem.




What I am talking about is intent , and responsibility.

If I went to Uni as a young person and got a degree and then got a job knowing full well that I was indebted to whoever I owed the Money to( the tax payer) and then realised that the job I was doing was not what I expected. It was under 21k as many are these days.

I then meet a man and decide to get married and have kids and stay at home to look after them, I would do that with intent, not by accident, knowing that I was still indenbted to the taxpayer, So if I loved motherhood and children and gave up my life to look after the kids and didnt get a job where I paid any money back. Who would foot the bill?

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I am asking you to tell me about a GP that earns less than 21k.


I never claimed there was one so I dont know why you are asking that. I said a gp on a lower wage would have more trouble paying it back than his private paid counterpart. I don't know where the idea that I was claiming he would get paid less than £21k came from:loopy:

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What I am talking about is intent , and responsibility.

If I went to Uni as a young person and got a degree and then got a job knowing full well that I was indebted to whoever I owed the Money to( the tax payer) and then realised that the job I was doing was not what I expected. It was under 21k as many are these days.

I then meet a man and decide to get married and have kids and stay at home to look after them, I would do that with intent, not by accident, knowing that I was still indenbted to the taxpayer, So if I loved motherhood and children and gave up my life to look after the kids and didnt get a job where I paid any money back. Who would foot the bill?


In that case you can think of it like this. The loan repayments are only required if you meet certain conditions (such as a high salary), otherwise the loan will get written off. This is a condition of the loan therefore is perfectly acceptable behaviour from the applicant. You will have to ask the student loans company about the rest of the question.

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because they do a hell of a lot of work between those hours (or they should).


Arrghhhh degrees are not school you do most of your learning outside of lectures and tutorials.


Yes fine, but then why exactly do you need to charge 7k per year for 5 contact hours per week?

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Might a cynic suggest they are adjusting/dumbing down the content to attract their market audience of potential students?


well its true. When I did my degree I took a postgraduate course in my final year and it was very tough (had to read and answer questions on actual published physics research papers in recent years which led to nobel prizes - I think noone got a first in that module). Next year the course was dumbed down to little more than a glorified a-level, with simple quesitons like "draw a diagram of this", which only a complete idiot could manage to fail....

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well no if the graduate gets a job with a higher salary they will pay more. I think this is to stop all graduates aiming for the highest pay. It will allow people who become sociologists etc to take lower paid jobs and not worry about paying the loan off


I think the idea is that someone who gets into £50k of debt will be a surgeon or something and will therefore be on a high salary and will pay a higher rate.



surgeons are paid from the public purse so you don't get the 50k back at all in that case...since taxpayers money goes to the surgeon who then uses that to pay back the taxpayer the 50k they previously lent them!

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As I see it( flawed I know), someone goes to University to get a qualification that assists them to get a job or of course to further their personal development.

To take something that is not free for your own benefit and then not pay back for that is in my view wrong.


I think its fair to say society as a whole benefits by training people to be doctors or scientists. hmm maybe this is why they government is hinting funding will not be withdrawn for these subjects thus keeping fees lower presumably (unless the universities charge the full whack and pocket the difference).

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University tuition fees are very good value when you consider the actual cost of the course is about 4 times higher than the actual fees being proposed. Indeed there isn't exactly a shortage of overseas students who are prepared to pay the full cost to come to university in the UK.


Perhaps if students had to find a larger proportion of the cost of a university education they might ask themselves do I really need a degree in origami to pursue my chosen career as a bar manager at Wetherspoons.

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hmm maybe this is why they government is hinting funding will not be withdrawn for these subjects thus keeping fees lower presumably
That'd be a first: the Gvt actually finding a way to encourage a resurgence in science/engineering (leading to fostering innovation) in the UK :gag:
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