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Outrageous University fees.

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That'd be a first: the Gvt actually finding a way to encourage a resurgence in science/engineering (leading to fostering innovation) in the UK :gag:


well to be fair - at the same time they intend to decimate funding for science research, thus driving all us scientists out of the country or into other socially useful careers like building mathematical models for investment banks....

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I can't believe how much they're wanting for University fees!

It's outragious, not to mention divisive, and I'm amazed students haven't been out on the rampage in protest.


If universities can set their own level of fees, soon some universities will be considered so inferior a degree from them will be worthless anyway.


Where's the quality control? Value for money etc?

Will a student with 5 hours tuition a week have to pay the same as one with 25 hours? Will the top professors be more expensive than lesser tutors? Will research students still be expected to pay?


How many potentially great minds will never get the chance to blossom because thay can't afford to be nurtured in a top University?


This is also going to be the biggest stumbling block to social mobility in my lifetime.


I think it's a disgrace.


The defenition of rampage is :-


To act violently, destructively or recklessly, is this what you advocate? :huh:

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surgeons are paid from the public purse so you don't get the 50k back at all in that case...since taxpayers money goes to the surgeon who then uses that to pay back the taxpayer the 50k they previously lent them!


not really, we lend them the money to become qualified then pay them but we get money from their wages to pay off the loan.


Unless you want to get rid of the NHS I dont understand your point? The money still comes from their wages.:huh:

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well to be fair - at the same time they intend to decimate funding for science research, thus driving all us scientists out of the country or into other socially useful careers like building mathematical models for investment banks....
Are you sure it's not instead the mere continuation of the increasing funding of science projects by private parties rather than public bodies?


Therefore devoting R&D expenditure more towards commercially-useful output (to part-finance Unis, incidentally) than purely academic output.


We'll have less of those supposedly 'scientific' studies, those about inconsequential/trivial topics served up daily as newsbites, at the taxpayer's expense, please ;)

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Are you sure it's not instead the mere continuation of the increasing funding of science projects by private parties rather than public bodies?


Therefore devoting R&D expenditure more towards commercially-useful output (to part-finance Unis, incidentally) than purely academic output.


We'll have less of those supposedly 'scientific' studies, those about inconsequential/trivial topics served up daily as newsbites, at the taxpayer's expense, please ;)


As a scientist-I fully agree


I get annoyed by the research that either proves something everyone knew anyway or researches things no-one cares about. I usually have to conclude that its some kind of over simplification by the journalistic idiots.

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Are you sure it's not instead the mere continuation of the increasing funding of science projects by private parties rather than public bodies?


Therefore devoting R&D expenditure more towards commercially-useful output (to part-finance Unis, incidentally) than purely academic output.


We'll have less of those supposedly 'scientific' studies, those about inconsequential/trivial topics served up daily as newsbites, at the taxpayer's expense, please ;)


Thats not what they are cutting though (and anyway certainly in physics no such studies would get funded by the research council I am involved with already). They will be getting rid of people doing research in basic science areas - private companies are not going to pick up the slack here. Indeed many have said they will relocate overseas to countries where university science is better funded, since then they get a better supply of skilled employees to use.

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As a scientist-I fully agree


I get annoyed by the research that either proves something everyone knew anyway or researches things no-one cares about. I usually have to conclude that its some kind of over simplification by the journalistic idiots.


The example I read about when it was looked into turned out to have been funded by a private company.


I am skeptical any of these studies we see in the papers is funded by research council money.

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As a scientist-I fully agree


I get annoyed by the research that either proves something everyone knew anyway or researches things no-one cares about. .


Probably not many people cared about estoteric topics like electrons being in two places at once - required to understand atomic physics. If they had their way and killed all funding for the relevant experiments then bye bye to most of our modern technology....


Funding research based on popularity with the public is a dangerous thing to do.

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Probably not many people cared about estoteric topics like electrons being in two places at once - required to understand atomic physics. If they had their way and killed all funding for the relevant experiments then bye bye to most of our modern technology....


Funding research based on popularity with the public is a dangerous thing to do.


that wasnt actually the science I was talking about

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