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Outrageous University fees.

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Why are scottish and welsh MP's voting on this matter when their own students

are not paying. Time it was sorted out. They don't care what the charges are as it

dosn't affect them.


I intend looking at a list of abstainers from the vote and see if these are amongst them.

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A bad thing, however hardly relevant to a debate on the current proposal to remove the caps, now is it.


Of course it is relevant. If the Labour Government hadn't introduced fees, they wouldn't be there to be increased. However as the Labour Government found it necessary to introduce the fees after they had inhertited a healthy financial situation, it seems a bit rich to moan that the the incoming government needs to increase fees after inheriting a massive financial disaster.


What was it Tony Blair said his 3 priorities were... Oh yes. Education Education Education. He forgot to mention he just wanted to slap a tax on it.

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unfortunately, there are few employment opportunities for those unsuited to an academic path.


So why do you see people whining about having to have a Polish plumber on here then? Could be there are not enough English/Welsh/Scots/Ulster people doing skilled trades perhaps...

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Originally Posted by andyofborg

unfortunately, there are few employment opportunities for those unsuited to an academic path.



So why do you see people whining about having to have a Polish plumber on here then? Could be there are not enough English/Welsh/Scots/Ulster people doing skilled trades perhaps...


Rachael Clegg wrote an excellent article in todays 'Star' Page 28.

Too many universities offering worthless/pointless courses ie media studies etc, sports science resulting in a waste of rescources, she pointed out that John Humphreys would find it near impossible to get where he is today without the university qualifications that he doesn't have.

A family of four live across the road from us, all four have attended university

The mother is in full employment the father is a permanent dole warrior and a Bsc in Business Studies, the two offspring have dropped out of unversity after one year on wait for it 'Performing Arts Courses' not bad 75% failure rate in just one family.

The degree course the father went on was brilliant the only thing I've ever see him do is sell 'Betterware' ocassionaly.

Surely it is time to trim down the unversities and concentrate on more vocational training starting at school.

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So why do you see people whining about having to have a Polish plumber on here then? Could be there are not enough English/Welsh/Scots/Ulster people doing skilled trades perhaps...


the route into these trades used to be through apprenticeships but they died in the 80's as a consequence of the polices of the Thatcher government.


this is just one aspect of the real deep problem we have in this country, which is that british industry doesn't train people preferring instead to import foreign labour.

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the route into these trades used to be through apprenticeships but they died in the 80's as a consequence of the polices of the Thatcher government.


this is just one aspect of the real deep problem we have in this country, which is that british industry doesn't train people preferring instead to import foreign labour.


Alongside the cost of university degrees, I don't think many people appreciate how much many of these training courses cost either. They are certainly outside the pocket of many unemployed - and before someone tells me they are available (free?) via the jobcentre, have they actually tried getting ANY help from a jobcentre lately?

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There is a point about pointless university degrees being offered by most of the new universities that useto be polys. The new universities should be done away with the proper universities should be made free for all who acheive the standard regardless of class. Proper education should start at school where it failing miserably at the moment. The UK might have the best Universities but it has no where near the best schools and it seems to me the only people benfittin from uk universities at present are international students and the well off.

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I think that over the past 25 years, both Labour and Conservative have had a nightmarish problem of how they get millions of people off the unemployment lists. This is due to the collapse of the major industrys that employed people in their 1000's.


For the young, university was a fantastic was of shifting 1000's of young people off the unemployment lists, and so many micky mouse courses were created to boost the potential numbers.


Sadly, this has been a ticking timebomb for 20 years, and sadly the chickens are finally begining to come home to roost.


In my area of sport and fitness, among the people I have come into contact with (Fitness Managers, Fitness Inst, Pole Dance Inst, Personal Trainers etc.....), I cannot recall a single person who has a Sports related degree. If you go to any uni, there will be courses in


* Sports Recreation Management

* Sports Psychology

* Sports science etc... etc... and the list goes on .....


What becomes of these people, they are being sold duff courses and being lefts with 1000's pounds of debt, only to have their dreams shattered.


Sadly, it has taken 20 years, but sadly for todays generation, the wheels are beginning coming off the higher education lie.


If there is one good thing from all this, is that we may return to a proper education system, that is worth a young person spending 3 years of their life devoting to. Sadly, its likely to take another 20 years from now to get to that point

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the route into these trades used to be through apprenticeships but they died in the 80's as a consequence of the polices of the Thatcher government.


this is just one aspect of the real deep problem we have in this country, which is that british industry doesn't train people preferring instead to import foreign labour.




There are not the apprentice ships available like they used to be.


Students have to find their own placements, and if they are unable to do so, or they lose their job placement (as a result of the company folding) they are simply thrown off their course.


I was teaching numeracy at a local college, and one of the students was 22 months into her 24 month placement. The hairdressers that she was employed by started losing money and folded. As she dod not have a work placement, she could not complete the course. As a result she was thrown off her apprenticeship (with 2 months left) and left with nothing after wasting 2 years of her life persuing something she really wanted to do

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