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Outrageous University fees.

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So what do you think of university tuition fees being introduced by a Labour Government in 1998. The introduction of top up fees introduced by a Labour Government in 2004 and a new round of fee increases recomended by a body set up by a Labour Government in 2009 with a view to increasing tuition fees?


Nu Labour, or Tory Lite as they should be called? Am I supposed to be suprised they had many of the same policies as the Tories? The difference is they wouldn't have been so extreme as to push it to the level where it would have an immediate detrimental impact on all but the wealthiest families.

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Nu Labour, or Tory Lite as they should be called? Am I supposed to be suprised they had many of the same policies as the Tories? The difference is they wouldn't have been so extreme as to push it to the level where it would have an immediate detrimental impact on all but the wealthiest families.


So how would OLD LABOUR pay for the higher education of our students? Would they carry on digging ever deaper in to the countries money mine and carry on increasing the countries debts at an even higher rate than Nu Labour did?


Incidentally the Tories have never introduced Uuniversity tuition fees, nor have they ever increased them. If they do increase the fees in this Parliament it will be on the back of recomendations made by a think tank set up by Lord Mandelson in the last Labour administration.

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They won't have to pay it back until they earn more than £15k and then only a little. If they are clever how does it stop them?

Why should today's binmen, pay for tomorrow's accountants?


I am prepared to pay taxes to subsidise social mobilility because i don't want mine or anybody elses children to be denied educational opportunitiues. It's pretty obvious that a kid whose daddy pays his tuition fees and living expenses is going to be far more incentivised to study than one who has to look forward to a £30,000 to £50,000 debt as the first fruit of their graduation.

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At least they are raising the amount you have to earn before paying them back and taking out the poorest students out of paying fees all together. Labours tution fees where basically a poll tax on students.


The rich will always be able to afford to buy an education, while the middle classes may think twice about sending their little darlings to study Philosophy or Liberal Arts.


Not everyone who goes to University obtains a degree or one that is of any use in the workplace. So the point that those going to uni are the higher earners in our society, well ask a graduated archaeology student about their earnings capability, they are easy to spot, they usually identify themselves by asking you if you want to "go large" with your order.

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I am prepared to pay taxes to subsidise social mobilility because i don't want mine or anybody elses children to be denied educational opportunitiues. It's pretty obvious that a kid whose daddy pays his tuition fees and living expenses is going to be far more incentivised to study than one who has to look forward to a £30,000 to £50,000 debt as the first fruit of their graduation.


Just cause some one is better off is irrelevant.


The poor child will be able to go to a good university, and when they can afford it they can pay it back.

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So how would OLD LABOUR pay for the higher education of our students? Would they carry on digging ever deaper in to the countries money mine and carry on increasing the countries debts at an even higher rate than Nu Labour did?


Why not? Old Labour and Old Tories did. In fact anyone lucky enough to be an undergrad under the whole of the Thatcher years got dole money in the summer and housing benefit as well

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This is also going to be the biggest stumbling block to social mobility in my lifetime.


I would actually say that that would be down to the easily milked benefits system, teenaged pregnancy & alcohol & drug abuse. So far that's produced far more chavs than graduates ...... A clearer and more present danger.

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Why not? Old Labour and Old Tories did. In fact anyone lucky enough to be an undergrad under the whole of the Thatcher years got dole money in the summer and housing benefit as well


Maybe they should have chose a different degree other then Sociology. At least they got a Grant. Something students now can only dream of.

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So how would OLD LABOUR pay for the higher education of our students? Would they carry on digging ever deaper in to the countries money mine and carry on increasing the countries debts at an even higher rate than Nu Labour did?





What makes you assume I'm a Labour supporter of any kind?

I'll tell you how 'old Labour' would pay if you tell me how a Monster Raving Loony Party/National Front coalition would pay, because you probably feel about as inclined to speak for them as I do for the Labour Party.


What caused the national debt was not overspending on services but the wreckless gambling of the financial sector, who have strong links to the top dogs in both the Tory and Labour parties. If we weren't all paying for the losses they had incurred, it wouldn't be an issue. Instead they can continue sending their kids to private schools and top universties with their unchangesd wages and bonusses, while the rest of us pay their debts for them by job losses, pay freezes and our taxes being diverted from basic services such as education.


I have spoken out against the past government on many issues, but they are not in power any more. And one thing they were no mopre complicit in than the tories was the INTERATIONAL economic collapse brought about by the type fiscal strategies which the Tories fully endorsed until it becam obvious they were going wrong.


In answer to your question of where the money should come from to pay for the disaster brought about by the friends and associates of Cameron and Brown, i'll pose another question: What policies have the Condem coalition introduced to make people in their own econiomic brackett (eg millionaires) pay their fare share for the economic disaster which, after all, was caused by people just like them.

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The rich will always be able to afford to buy an education, while the middle classes may think twice about sending their little darlings to study Philosophy or Liberal Arts.

Middle class children might actually have the ambition to go into higher education themselves, in spite of anti-intellectual parents.

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