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Americans help woman whose Taliban husband cut of her nose and ears

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First off mentally ill criminals do not get executed and secondly the methods of execution you describe have all been replaced in favor of execution by lethal injection which although it sounds bad is comparatively painless compared to being smashed to pieces by a hail pf rocks thrown by a bunch of vengeafu, mentally warped crows.

Secondly we dont execute people for committing adultry or some other non-mudereous social transgression.


Dont strart with the slavery and black rights bit either. This belongs to history and these past injustices recognized and admitted. Of course you might be raising this issue as another attempt to get the thread off the main subject.


Let me attempt to put the lid on this whole thing by asking


Do you agree or not agree that women in Muslim societies are treated at best as second class citizens or at worst being subjected to forced marriages, denied education and other accepted forms of equal rights and physical punishment of a cruel and painful nature?


Just a straight YES or NO will do


Take out the work "Muslim" and you can have a yes, but you know I think that since I am neither an apologist or misogynist.


On the rest of your ill informed rant you need look no further than Amnesty International USA to dispel your delusions about execution practices in the USA. They have informed views on lethal injection and executing the mentally ill.


The death penalty has no place in a civilised society and no society can call itself civilised while it utilises it.


Oh yea, and state endorsed torture and with imprisonment without trail ain't too clever either.


If you don't lead by example you have no place in deciding who is the barbarian. Is a new nose adequate repayment for a hundred thousand civilian lives?

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Take out the work "Muslim" and you can have a yes, but you know I think that since I am neither an apologist or misogynist.


On the rest of your ill informed rant you need look no further than Amnesty International USA to dispel your delusions about execution practices in the USA. They have informed views on lethal injection and executing the mentally ill.


The death penalty has no place in a civilised society and no society can call itself civilised while it utilises it.


Just as I thought. You people :hihi:

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The Americans might not be angels (torture of terror suspects for example) and shouldn't be devoid of critisicm, but I think spending your efforts crticising them rather than other countries where far far greater abuses take place on a much grander scale, is very misguided.

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Can anyone here imagine having to sell your child to repay a debt?!! Your own flesh and blood?! The thought makes my stomach churn. What kind of anguish did that gir's parents go through knowing their daughter endured this? And will probably go through for the rest of their lives? And what kind of person would accept another human being as payment for a debt?! I don't even want to know. Can you imagine being a 12 year old child and being forced to marry the psychopath who did this to her? Who apparently was crazy enough and had enough of an attitude to slash up her pretty face and leave her for dead? How utterly alone and at his mercy and how terrified she must have been?


And at 12, imo she's still a baby. When I was 12, I kept my Barbie dolls stashed in a box under my bed, lest anyone see them. ;)


And yeah, yeah, I KNOW. It's all the fault of those evil Americans that this girl's family were poor in the first place. As a nation, we have done and continue to do some deplorable things, but two wrongs still don't make a right. The evil America has done in the world does not negate the good we did for this little girl. And frankly, I could care less WHO helped her. The fact is, someone did and she's safe now. And I'm sure it won't end with just her medical treatment, her family will have opportunities they never dreamed of.


Though an accident of birth, this innocent child has had a hellish taste of how bad life can be. My prayer for her now is that she will experience how very good it can be. And there but for the grace of God, Allah, Buddah or whatever deity you pray to go you or I. And none of us should ever forget how very fortunate we all are.

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Everything’s the nasty white man’s fault blah blah


Here’s a link to the Iamasmugselfrichouscodpiece

report as you can clearly see this proves what i say is correct and I am superior because i champion the ethnic man no matter what as they can do no wrong, what chance did they have in the world when it’s run by evil white racists.


Here’s some more data and statistics and eye witness Reports which have been proven to be 1000000% accurate because they back up what i believe and anyone that disagrees that a fair few of these people are backward mental case sky pixie believing retards are themselves backward knuckle dragging Neanderthals unlike the people i defend no matter what 24/7 for my own smug self-righteous chedderness, no hypocrisy or double standards there because i say so and i am right on, 100% correct always.. I have stats and witness accounts to back this up.


I can’t stand any kind of discrimination or prejudice so you white working class chavvy council estate dwelling kappa tracksuit wearing, Jeremy Kyle watching football hooligan racist scum should all be shot.

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Take out the work "Muslim" and you can have a yes, but you know I think that since I am neither an apologist or misogynist.


On the rest of your ill informed rant you need look no further than Amnesty International USA to dispel your delusions about execution practices in the USA. They have informed views on lethal injection and executing the mentally ill.


The death penalty has no place in a civilised society and no society can call itself civilised while it utilises it.

Oh yea, and state endorsed torture and with imprisonment without trail ain't too clever either.

If you don't lead by example you have no place in deciding who is the barbarian. Is a new nose adequate repayment for a hundred thousand civilian lives?


Beautifully put Tony. I'm particularly drawnto the notion that it's ill becoming to call others barbarians when you have blood on your hands - Harleyman et al, so keen to demonise others conveniently fail to acknowledge the sins of their own government.

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Take out the work "Muslim" and you can have a yes, but you know I think that since I am neither an apologist or misogynist.


On the rest of your ill informed rant you need look no further than Amnesty International USA to dispel your delusions about execution practices in the USA. They have informed views on lethal injection and executing the mentally ill.


The death penalty has no place in a civilised society and no society can call itself civilised while it utilises it.

Oh yea, and state endorsed torture and with imprisonment without trail ain't too clever either.


If you don't lead by example you have no place in deciding who is the barbarian. Is a new nose adequate repayment for a hundred thousand civilian lives?


You are quite wrong there.

Your latterday Christian values are well and good, but if if someone has committed unforgivable crime they should be excecuted.

We have no punishment fitting, so send them on to your Christian God, to let him deal out the punishment.


If you consider life impronment to be a fitting punishment, then I completely disagree.

That is torture of the worst kind, and is unimaginable.


Remember one of your Christian heros, Joan of Arc.

They offered her life imprisonment, if she repented .

She prefered the stake.

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Can anyone here imagine having to sell your child to repay a debt?!! Your own flesh and blood?! The thought makes my stomach churn. What kind of anguish did that gir's parents go through knowing their daughter endured this? And will probably go through for the rest of their lives? And what kind of person would accept another human being as payment for a debt?! I don't even want to know. Can you imagine being a 12 year old child and being forced to marry the psychopath who did this to her? Who apparently was crazy enough and had enough of an attitude to slash up her pretty face and leave her for dead? How utterly alone and at his mercy and how terrified she must have been?


And at 12, imo she's still a baby. When I was 12, I kept my Barbie dolls stashed in a box under my bed, lest anyone see them. ;)


And yeah, yeah, I KNOW. It's all the fault of those evil Americans that this girl's family were poor in the first place. As a nation, we have done and continue to do some deplorable things, but two wrongs still don't make a right. The evil America has done in the world does not negate the good we did for this little girl. And frankly, I could care less WHO helped her. The fact is, someone did and she's safe now. And I'm sure it won't end with just her medical treatment, her family will have opportunities they never dreamed of.


Though an accident of birth, this innocent child has had a hellish taste of how bad life can be. My prayer for her now is that she will experience how very good it can be. And there but for the grace of God, Allah, Buddah or whatever deity you pray to go you or I. And none of us should ever forget how very fortunate we all are.

I have only one question. Would this help have willingly come from the UK? At one time I would have answered undoubtably yes, but the cynicism I read today makes me doubt it. As for the death penalty, I'm against it. I live in New England which might have executed one person in 30 years. But 2 ex cons invaded a doctors home in Connecticut, beat him unconscious with a baseball bat, tied his two daughters to a bed at gunpoint. One of them forced the wife to a bank and forced her to draw $15,000 then had her drive home, raped then strangled her. They both raped the girls aged 16 and 12. They then set fire to the house, burning the girls to death. Even my views are challenged by cases like this. They made one mistake however. The doctor lived. One of them has been convicted and is in the sentence phase which includes a death penalty ( Connecticut is the only New England state that has one )
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I have only one question. Would this help have willingly come from the UK?

Let me try another question. Would the help have come from the USA if Bibi Aiesha hadn't appeared on the cover of Time magazine earlier this year?


The smell of PR is stronger than the stench of 100k dead locals but it seems that some folk are immune to it.

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Let me try another question. Would the help have come from the USA if Bibi Aiesha hadn't appeared on the cover of Time magazine earlier this year?


The smell of PR is stronger than the stench of 100k dead locals but it seems that some folk are immune to it.

The simple answer is yes, and the answering a question with a question answered my original question. Next time don't try dodging.
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