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Americans help woman whose Taliban husband cut of her nose and ears

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The simple answer is yes, and the answering a question with a question answered my original question. Next time don't try dodging.


Do you think she would have got a new American nose if she hadn't been on the cover of Time magazine?


A simple answer will do.

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Do you think she would have got a new American nose if she hadn't been on the cover of Time magazine?A simple answer will do.



She left her ears and nose in Afganistan and got replacements in America with or without Time magazine. Wonder how many other young girls exist in fear of the same. Disobey or displease their paedophile husbands and they becomes an object of scorn. They cant even seek the protection of their parents and often the parents will side with the husband in punishing her.


Maybe the parents worry that he will want to return her and ask for his money back :gag:

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It wouldnt do any harm in a lot places in West Yorkshire.


This is where most of the terrorists are holed up, at least those of them that have caused us most harm.

And it would help with a bit of slum clearance as well.


The idea seems ridiculous,but thats what's happening in pakistan.

Why not,if they know where the suspect is,go and arrest him ?,or is execution without trial ok nower days ?

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Do you think she would have got a new American nose if she hadn't been on the cover of Time magazine?


A simple answer will do.


Why not? There have been many occasions whereby children have been brought to "The West" (I suppose that includes Europe and USA) from Africa, India and the Middle East for Surgery for various reasons. Again we have people constantly harping on about motives. I thought that this thread was about actions. Do I give a <REMOVED> if some magazine or some rich guy gets some publicity if they then allow an action such as this to take place. I suspect the young girl is of the same opinion.

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Why not? There have been many occasions whereby children have been brought to "The West" (I suppose that includes Europe and USA) from Africa, India and the Middle East for Surgery for various reasons. Again we have people constantly harping on about motives. I thought that this thread was about actions. Do I give a <REMOVED> if some magazine or some rich guy gets some publicity if they then allow an action such as this to take place. I suspect the young girl is of the same opinion.



Lol..it actually took 70odd posts for someone to reduce the whole chest thumping thing to what it's really about. All the <REMOVED> about how caring the US is or isn't..how in the same situation the UK would or wouldn't do the same is all about personalities, getting it off with the same old tired ****.


As Gordon has quite eloquently put it...she probably didn't give two hoots who gave her a new nose and life, and would be grateful no matter who. No matter where she got these from she certainly wouldn't get them in her original country...on the contrary the opposite is more likely, and in her case most definitely.



Solution. Send in 5 million troops and extract all women and children under the age of 15.


Takes tongue from cheek.

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My blue text. It's all very well to talk about 'sending in the troops' - but which ones? Who is goingto provide them and who is going to pay for them?


The UNasked NATO to take over from the US about 8-10 years ago. NATO did so. The problem isn't solved, so what is the UN going to do about it and when arethey going to start doing something about it?


Ban-Ki Moon; you are taking the pay - when do we hear (worthwhile) words of wisdom? What's your answer?


Can I be Chairman of the UN next year please? - After all, the chairman of the UN isn't paid by results, nor is he obliged to provide any.


If I changed my name to Wan-Ki Rupert and if I offered to work for half as much, do you think I might get the job?


How about if I offered to do it for 10%?


Do you have a platoon (or more 5 brigades would help) of soldiers who joined (anybody's) army with the altruistic intention of saving the whole world and his dog?


Puts tongue back in cheek. yeesh!

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I have to say some of the posters on this thread seem incredibly hard hearted to the plite of women in Muslim countries. It doesnt matter to me who helps them so long as they get help.


I can not even imagine what it must be like to have had the misfortune to be born female in one of these countries.

It makes me want to cry just thinking about the total injustices done to women just because they have the misfortune to be born female.


What the hell gave men the right to treat them like this ?


Some of the posters on here are doing a good job of showing themselves to be heartless and only bothered about their own agenda and funnily enough I am sure most of them will be men!

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