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Is homosexual a derogatory term?

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Most of the time this term is used in as sarcasm, insult or un-natural. Is there some truth to these allegations or anything?



I have loads of homosexual mates and they quite happily call themelves homo's, queens, lezzers etc but they do take offence if a straight person uses it against them.


I have asked them many times why this is but they just shrug and say its degrading :rolleyes:


will never understand it :hihi:

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Most of the time this term is used in as sarcasm, insult or un-natural. Is there some truth to these allegations or anything?

  1. I think you are incorrect so far as I can tell 'homosexual' is most commonly used as a neutral term to describe people who are sexually attracted to people of the same gender.
  2. So far as I'm aware most of the time '****' is used as a term of abuse, would you take this as evidence that people who come from Pakistan are 'unnatural' and inherently inferior to people who come from elsewhere?

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I think 'homosexual' is the correct terminology. 'Homos' is Greek for 'same' and sexual speaks for itself. It's not derogatory at all and just states a fact. I think that people are still stigmatised by this sexual orientation and therein the problem lies. The word has the same connotation as calling someone 'heterosexual', just a descriptive term :)

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I think 'homosexual' is the correct terminology. 'Homos' is Greek for 'same' and sexual speaks for itself. It's not derogatory at all and just states a fact. I think that people are still stigmatised by this sexual orientation and therein the problem lies. The word has the same connotation as calling someone 'heterosexual', just a descriptive term :)


That ought to be true, but it doesn't necessarily remain so. Remember that the Latin word for "black" - "niger" - is pronounced with a hard G, and ponder on what happened to that word; or consider that hardly anyone refers to cripples nowadays.


So far as I'm aware, though, "homosexual" has not undergone the same treatment, because those who would refer to homosexuals in abusive terms, have other words to choose from that they seem to prefer.

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I bought a car off a guy and he is always flirting with me when I go in his establishment.


I am happy with my sexuality as a heterosexual so this does not bother me… yet I know of many who it would, and take it serious.


So is this sexual harassment?


Can you imagine this in court,,,,, your honor he keeps slapping my bottom and saying rude things……like can you fix my plumbing…….. lol,,, erm nope,,,, I pass.


I just think in circumstances like this it is about your comfort level and how secure you are in your sexuality that defines the crux to the argument.


The general consensus is it is still hard for a man to accept his girlfriend or wife can have a platonic relationship with a gay man, never mind a man on homosexual man platonic relationship.


Men still think, their companion is talking about them to the other party and discussing intimate details which they think should be discussed with them, instead of understanding the reason why she has built this relationship is solely down to the man not being open to discuss these intimate details.


Instead of thinking great no more ear ache. Lol


Just my opinion!

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