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Is homosexual a derogatory term?

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wrong ,these titles have been around for generations ,its only the pc peoople who dont use them,


so you still use "*******" and "pakis" in everyday language, regardless of who you're speaking to ?

you'd use them in an interview for example ?

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black lads they call each other ******* but if a white man says it then its racist ....

We are playing with semantics here, the meaning behind words. I shall make my point brief if i can. If you can build up a strong enough relationship with a black person to use that word in a friendly context, then you have liberated it from it's negative semantics. If you use the word as a 100% friendly word, and the person understands it as 100% friendly, you have changed what the word means.


Walking up to black people and saying "wassup nigga?" is foolish when the word is still loaded with it's own history.


The same with 'fag', 'queer' and 'homo'. It's all about semantics. Is the word used to insult or to flatter? To make friends or to hurt enemies? Language is but mere scribbles and sounds, it is their interpretation that helps us communicate.

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As far as I'm concerned, if the recipient deems it offensive then it should not be used and if people persist, then they are obviously deliberately using the term in a pejorative manner. Some friends of mine are happily referred to as dykes, yet some lesbians abhor it. I've heard many gay people refer to one another as queens, queers, lezzers etc, however, I would not presume to do so unless I knew them well and felt confident that they would not find it offensive coming from a straight person. It's entirely up the individual and if groups of people wish to reclaim words for use only within their group, then that's fine also, but if we're not part of the group, then we need to take our lead from them.


Personally, I don't use the term 'homosexual' it sounds a bit clinical to me. However, I do use the term homosexuality as a general one.

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I think you've misunderstood the OP entirely, he's subtly trying to incite homophobia, under the guise of seemingly innocent questions.


A real nasty piece of work, but PC, he is not.


Of course homosexuality isn't a dirty word, but KamalJoe would like us to consider the possibility that it should be, he just hasn't got the balls to say so because he's a coward.


Nail... head....

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My reason for writing this post came from an old movie about rights for fags in US. If this is such a normal thing, then why so many terminologies for it? We don't call every one heterosexual all the time we meet someone. But the moment we come across a fag (use any term it doesn't matter), you pause for a Milli second.


I had absolutely no intent of abusing anyone please.



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My reason for writing this post came from an old movie about rights for fags in US. If this is such a normal thing, then why so many terminologies for it?

:huh: So your argument is now that normal things don't have many words to describe them? How on earth did you figure that out?


All manner of utterly 'normal' things have a great many names, if anything the more common something is the more names it. Blonde for example are rather 'normal' and rogets has the following synonyms for blonde: albino, auricomous, bleached, champagne, fair, fair-haired, flaxen, golden-haired, light, pale, pearly, platinum, sallow, sandy-haired, snowy, straw, strawberry, towheaded, washed-out, yellow-haired by your idiot logic this would mean blondes aren't 'a normal thing'.


Besides has it not occurred to you that BNP types have a fair few names for people who's skin isn't white, does this mean only white skin is normal?


We don't call every one heterosexual all the time we meet someone.

:huh: What's your point even supposed to be?


But the moment we come across a fag (use any term it doesn't matter), you pause for a Milli second.

You might pause, others rather less bigoted and more secure in their sexuality than you don't bat an eyelid.


I had absolutely no intent of abusing anyone please.



Right so you with a clear past history of calling homosexuality as 'immoral' 'unnatural' , equated homosexuality with "Robberies, theft, murders, incest, torture, rape" had "no intent of abusing anyone" :roll:


If a BNP supporting poster started a thread about people from the Indian subcontinent and reffered to them as 'pakis' would you believe their denials that they intended to abuse?


Why then do you expect anyone to take you a proven bigot of a slightly different varieties word for it? You aren't fooling anyone abusing homosexuals was quite obviously the reason the started this thread and the reason you deliberately referred to homosexuals by one of the more offensive terms for them.

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My reason for writing this post came from an old movie about rights for fags in US. If this is such a normal thing, then why so many terminologies for it? We don't call every one heterosexual all the time we meet someone. But the moment we come across a fag (use any term it doesn't matter), you pause for a Milli second.


I had absolutely no intent of abusing anyone please.




You cowardly cretin, grow some balls and say what you really mean. I'll show you how, here's me saying what I really mean: You are pathetic.

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Like any other word, it's not derogatory in and of itself.


It's (some) people that are derogatory, in their intent, thoughts, beliefs and feelings; such intentionally hurtful inner dialog can manifest itself in a multitude of ways. The manner in which it is expressed, is not so important, as the fact that it's sitting there, in you, festering away..



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