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"Deliberate" Road Rage?

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Does everyone apart from Stomp really slam on their brakes when the lights turn to amber, even if they are about to cross the line? Wow.
From the daily evidence at M1 Jct 34 South (Tinsley roundabout), absolutely not :hihi:


A driver behaving as the one described by Stomp, jumping on the go-pedal at amber (going to green), would likely be T-boned/wiped out 3 times out of 4.

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That's actually one of the big problems with the roads. If a road user disagrees with another user, percieves them to have made an error or misjudgement, too many people think that this means that it is then OK to dish out abuse, to drive agressively in order to "teach them a lesson".


The sad thing is that in the past if you made a mistake, you generally put your hand up or popped on your hazards to say "sorry" in some way.


Now if you flash your lights or sound your horn at a dangerous manoeuvre, all you get from the bad driver is abuse.

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The sad thing is that in the past if you made a mistake, you generally put your hand up or popped on your hazards to say "sorry" in some way.


Now if you flash your lights or sound your horn at a dangerous manoeuvre, all you get from the bad driver is abuse.


Dead right. I will always acknowledge a mistake, and say sorry - it immediatley diffuses a situation.


This morning someone on Tingley roundabout in Leeds was in the wrong lane, and cut in front of me. We've all been in that situation. They got a little close, so a brief toot on the horn, and immediatley the driver apologised.

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From the daily evidence at M1 Jct 34 South (Tinsley roundabout), absolutely not :hihi:


A driver behaving as the one described by Stomp, jumping on the go-pedal at amber (going to green), would likely be T-boned/wiped out 3 times out of 4.


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Pretty much. I'm always surprised that it doesn't happen more often at Tinsley roundabout. I see the situation you describe in your OP every week, there. At least twice in the past month, I've been beeped for not setting off "early enough" from the lights...when setting off any earlier would have had me t-boned by the car/van going thru a "well-matured" orange light on my right. Seems a lot of drivers these days are seemingly incapable of looking any further (or peripherally) than the car to their immediate front :rolleyes:
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Pretty much. I'm always surprised that it doesn't happen more often at Tinsley roundabout. I see the situation you describe in your OP every week, there. At least twice in the past month, I've been beeped for not setting off "early enough" from the lights...when setting off any earlier would have had me t-boned by the car/van going thru a "well-matured" orange light on my right. Seems a lot of drivers these days are seemingly incapable of looking any further (or peripherally) than the car to their immediate front :rolleyes:


Hey Stomp......That's you

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Pretty much. I'm always surprised that it doesn't happen more often at Tinsley roundabout. I see the situation you describe in your OP every week, there. At least twice in the past month, I've been beeped for not setting off "early enough" from the lights...when setting off any earlier would have had me t-boned by the car/van going thru a "well-matured" orange light on my right. Seems a lot of drivers these days are seemingly incapable of looking any further (or peripherally) than the car to their immediate front :rolleyes:


I agree.


One of the first things you are taught for the Advanced Driving Test is observation . Dont just stare into the back bumper of the car in front, look beyond them as far as you can see and anticipate what's going to happen.


You can look to the distance and still see things that are close to you and react to that situation too.

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From the daily evidence at M1 Jct 34 South (Tinsley roundabout), absolutely not :hihi:


A driver behaving as the one described by Stomp, jumping on the go-pedal at amber (going to green), would likely be T-boned/wiped out 3 times out of 4.


What is it about that roundabout? I've always thought it seems worse than other similar ones with traffic lights.

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