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How do I contact a person after being on their jury?

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Dear Forum...


In brief, a few years ago, I sat on a jury that convicted someone of a crime, and they were subsequently sent to prison for a short time. That person is now free. Whilst I feel that the decision I made was right and proper, I feel that I need to express something to this person. I wish to give him/her neither my name nor contact information, but just wish to send a little note to wish them the very best with the rest of their lives, as I truly believe this was a one off incident for this person.


However, where do I start. The only thing I know is the name. I have no other information about their whereabouts. Who might know. This is just something that I feel I have to do. Even if I can not get his/her information directly, through whom can I send it?


Any assistance you can give would be greatly appreciated.

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You don't. Simple as that.


A juror contacting a convicted criminal after a trial could lead to problems, even, depending on length of time since it happened, potential for arguable appeals.

I agree do not attempt this . It will cause you no end of problems in the long run. A friend of mine was sent to prision for a crime i never in a million years would think him capable of. But he was found guilty and as it turned out had serious mental health problems ( completely hidden from all of us ). He went on to verbally threaten all the jury and his entire family. Leave well alone.

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Would it be something like this?


Dear Mr X


I was on the jury that found you guilty of ".....insert offence.....". I've been thinking about you all the time you were in prison and understand you're now back in the community.


I'd like to reiterate how I as part of the jury had made the right decision, please don't take offence, it's just so I can feel a little more sanctimonious.


I'm not going to tell you my name, as I well know you're an ex-prisoner and probably have friends who wouldn't think twice in paying me a visit.

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