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Priories Historical Society Talks 2011


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January17th-METAL DETECTING talk by Brian Booth.

Brian is a member of Warsop Metal Detecting Club and has agreed to give a talk on this fascinating subject. He will talk about local finds, artefacts and how you can get involved with this important field of archaeology. Some objects which are commonly found and discarded such as spindle whorls can be important finds and Brian will hopefully be able to tell us how to distinguish the important from the not so important!


February 14th-LOST HISTORICAL HOUSES talk by Roy Newman.

This well known speaker returns to talk about local historical houses. This talk will look at the hundreds of country houses, estates and seats of the peers that have now disappeared into history.


March 14th-CASTLES AND ABBEYS talk by Pat McLaughlin.

This well known speaker returns to the society with another fascinating talk.In this talk Pat takes a look at the wealth of castles in our area, from the early Norman examples to what happened to them. He also talks about our local abbeys, their impact on the local area and what impact Henry VIII's dissolution had on them.


All talks at Oldcotes Village Hall. Talks start at 19.30. Entrance £3 for non-members or £2 for members. Membership £5 per year and includes a free copy of the magazine we publish three times a year.

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