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Speed Awareness Course

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Good night.


You said that last night, but kept on, at tedious length, trying to justify the unjustifiable. The fact that you are so rattled by my comments suggests that you aren't perhaps as secure in your conviction [that it's OK for you to exceed the speed limit when you feel like it] as you claim to be. That can only be a good thing, but until you see sense, I shall continue to hope you don't put anyone's life at risk by speeding. You can get as ratty as you like - it doesn't bother me. You lost the argument some time ago.

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No, never. Just like I don't drink and driver, ever. Why is that so hard to believe? If I'm tempted to put my foot down in a 30 or 40 zone, I picture a child running out into the road. Really not worth it.



I hope that your control of your accelerator is better than your control of your keyboard:rolleyes:


I've yet to meet an honest and aware driver who thinks that they have never broken the speed limit. You must be an extraordinary person.


Indeed, some of your posts on this thread mark you out as extraordinary.


I'm still preferring a lift from tz, though. Can you work out why?

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I hope that your control of your accelerator is better than your control of your keyboard:rolleyes:


I've yet to meet an honest and aware driver who thinks that they have never broken the speed limit. You must be an extraordinary person.


Indeed, some of your posts on this thread mark you out as extraordinary.


I'm still preferring a lift from tz, though. Can you work out why?


Agreed. There is only one thing that is more dangerous than an imperfect driver - that is a driver who THINKS they are perfect.

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Agreed. There is only one thing that is more dangerous than an imperfect driver - that is a driver who THINKS they are perfect.

Oh, leave out the clichés. They're invariably untrue.


And please do not misrepresent what I have said. For the record, I have not claimed to be a 'perfect' driver - there is no such thing. I try to be a considerate and safe driver, that's all. Sorry if that isn't 'normal' enough in your world! I'm sure there are times when I, as virtually everyone, have failed in the first of those (courtesy on the road), but as a matter of conscience I do not speed, or drink and drive. As a result I have never been breathalysed, had points on my licence or gone on a speed awareness course. On an internet forum we have no absolute proof that what people say is true; believe it or don't believe it, but in my case I assure you, it is true. It is not however tantamount to claiming to be a perfect driver ; that would be arrogant.


tz's interminable attempts to justify his behaviour have failed to convince me. I maintain (along with anyone who has ever had to work in an A & E department) that anyone who thinks they can speed safely - and thinks it's unfair when they are 'caught', (as if it's some kind of game with the odds stacked against them) is deluding himself, and more critically, putting others at risk.


There seems to be something of a 'Top Gear' mentality developing amongst some posters on this thread : cars are about power, thrust, self-obsessive 'me, me me', I'll do as I please, etc. (Any psychologists reading this thread would no doubt smile and think 'barn door case of phallic extension there'). All that Jeremy Clarkson stuff bores me, as for me, motor vehicles are simply a means of getting from A to B when it's too far to walk and there's no public transport. If you want to get there sooner/earlier, don't speed, just set off earlier.


Thanks for the discussion - that's me done now!

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At the risk of releasing further waves of hatred, I can to report that I have just been on the course and was very impressed.


With the exception of one individual who didn't seem to get it, the general impression from the class seemed to be that it was very useful, both in terms of helping people to understand the effects of speeding and as a refresher to parts of Highway Code. (It even meant that there were areas where I could go faster than I had been going as I didn't fully understand the rules.)


The course was very well presented by two blokes who clearly know their stuff (Thanks Alan and Barry).


One thing that I find a little puzzling is that the course is for those who are just over the limit (eg 34 in a 30 zone) but those who exceed the limit by greater margins just carry on driving as they did before and take 3 points. Perhaps they should have to go on this as well as getting the points.

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One thing that I find a little puzzling is that the course is for those who are just over the limit (eg 34 in a 30 zone) but those who exceed the limit by greater margins just carry on driving as they did before and take 3 points. Perhaps they should have to go on this as well as getting the points.

That is a very good point.

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At the risk of releasing further waves of hatred, I can to report that I have just been on the course and was very impressed.


With the exception of one individual who didn't seem to get it, the general impression from the class seemed to be that it was very useful, both in terms of helping people to understand the effects of speeding and as a refresher to parts of Highway Code. (It even meant that there were areas where I could go faster than I had been going as I didn't fully understand the rules.)


The course was very well presented by two blokes who clearly know their stuff (Thanks Alan and Barry).


One thing that I find a little puzzling is that the course is for those who are just over the limit (eg 34 in a 30 zone) but those who exceed the limit by greater margins just carry on driving as they did before and take 3 points. Perhaps they should have to go on this as well as getting the points.


Maybe it could be 6 points OR 3 points and a course.

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At the risk of releasing further waves of hatred, I can to report that I have just been on the course and was very impressed.


With the exception of one individual who didn't seem to get it, the general impression from the class seemed to be that it was very useful, both in terms of helping people to understand the effects of speeding and as a refresher to parts of Highway Code. (It even meant that there were areas where I could go faster than I had been going as I didn't fully understand the rules.)


The course was very well presented by two blokes who clearly know their stuff (Thanks Alan and Barry).


One thing that I find a little puzzling is that the course is for those who are just over the limit (eg 34 in a 30 zone) but those who exceed the limit by greater margins just carry on driving as they did before and take 3 points. Perhaps they should have to go on this as well as getting the points.


It was the case that the range of speeds was originally quite narrow (and unnecessarily so, I always felt) but I think I am right in saying that the band of speeds eligible for the offer of a course was extended upwards a while ago from 39 to 42 mph.

I'll check with (I guess the same) Alan tomorrow.

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