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New Mobile Phone Law - December 1st


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In a new regulation due to come into force on 1 December 2003, it will be an offence to use a hand-held phone, or similar device, whilst driving. The penalty is a £30 fixed penalty or up to £1,000 on conviction in court (£2,500 for drivers of goods vehicles, buses or coaches). Drivers still risk prosecution (for failure to have proper control) if they use hands-free phones when driving.


More info is available directly from Dept. of Transport at:



I know most of you a) probably know about this and b) don't drive while using a phone anyway ;) - but nevertheless I thought it was worth telling those that might not know.


Is this a welcomed law in your opinion?

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Originally posted by Geoff


Is this a welcomed law in your opinion?


In my opinion yes it is. About time too.

I don't think the fines are high enough though and I think you should get points on your license too.



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Originally posted by fnkysknky

Some consistency would be nice....

True. But you could say the same for the whole legal system! ;)


I saw in the papers a few years ago that a woman got prosecuted for drinking out of a bottle of water whilst stopped at some traffic lights. :o


I guess the point is that if you're eating or drinking, you could still be in control and paying attention. However, the chances that you're in control whilst you're on your mobile phone is less likely.

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Originally posted by fnkysknky

That's nonsense though - you can use a mobile phone and still be in as much control of a vehicle as you are when eating, drinking, smoking or changing the radio. Outlaw them all or none at all - just my 2 pence :)



Also, some people are great drivers whilst eating, smoking, using mobile phones, etc... and some people are terrible drivers whilst concentrating as hard as they possibly can!


It should be on a case by case basis - which, at the end of the day, that's up to the officer that spots you using your mobile phone (just as it is with the other things).

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Originally posted by t020

I think using a handset should be banned whilst driving, but they should never ban hands free kits as these are no more distracting than talking to a passenger.


A passenger in the car would know when its appropriate and when not safe to talk though - someone on the phone would not.

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