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New Mobile Phone Law - December 1st


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Originally posted by Geoff

Forum user Andy suggested I ask the police where they stand with regards to using their own mobile phones and radios while driving. I have now received a reply from a spokesperson at South Yorkshire police, which reads:


"Police officers do not use mobile telephones as a primary means of communication because they are issued with two-way radios. The law in fact prohibits police officers from using hand-held mobile telephones whilst driving in the same was as the general public. The same exemptions also apply to them however - they can use 2-way radios whilst driving and can also use hand held mobile telephones in an emergency where there is no safe alternative to park up safely."



Just to add to this, the new law states that lorry drivers may also still use their CB radio systems, so it's not just the Police that are allowed to use a form of communication system.


The general public is also allowed to use their mobile if unable to stop the car, without handsfree, should it be an absoloute emergency. Not sure how they would decide what was and wasn't, but that's how the law stands...

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Originally posted by venger



so the idea of restricting mobile phone use while driving is to save lives.


20 related deaths in five years


smoking cigarettes kills 120,000 yearly and increasing


what was the law on that one sorry?


The law states quite rightly that if you choose to kill yourself by inhaling tobacco smoke that you should not only pay 10 times the cost of your treatment in tax, but that you must be over 16 and you may only do so where smoking is not prohibited.


People using mobile telephones who are involved in accidents as a result, rarely end up severely damaging only themselves.

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Originally posted by Phanerothyme


People using mobile telephones who are involved in accidents as a result, rarely end up severely damaging only themselves.


I do agree, I welcome the law to be completely honest.


I was just talking statistics Phan.


Many, many accidents are caused by people talking on mobiles while driving, I consider this a mega problem!


We are very good at keeping people alive these days, and I dont want to be a victim/patient giving more practice for their skills because some tw*t rang to say, I will be home in ten minutes chicken!!!!

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  • 2 months later...

Is anyone out there (apart from me),taking notice of the LAW that states you cannot use a mobile phone while driving? I am sick to the back teeth of people nearly ramming into me while talking on the phone.Would these same people go through a red light or drive the wrong way down a one way street without giving a toss for the law,because it all adds up to the same thing,it's illegal.

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And dont you just feel like giving them a left hook,after they have just nearly rammed you off the road,they give you that smug look,as if to say "what ya gonna do about it"


They should have snitch line like what they have for benefit cheats so you could grass em up and wipe the smug grin off their faces.


there will always be those who think the law dont apply to them


sad B******s

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This law is as stupid as the one stating that dogs falling into the 'dangerous' category should be muzzled.


Nobody polices these laws and they are only siginificant if there is a road accident in the case of phones or an attack in the case of dogs.

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Originally posted by Mo

This law is as stupid as the one stating that dogs falling into the 'dangerous' category should be muzzled.


Nobody polices these laws and they are only siginificant if there is a road accident in the case of phones or an attack in the case of dogs.


Are you saying we should not have these laws then? Dont get what your saying.

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Originally posted by Mo

This law is as stupid as the one stating that dogs falling into the 'dangerous' category should be muzzled.


Nobody polices these laws and they are only siginificant if there is a road accident in the case of phones or an attack in the case of dogs.


The dogs law is a knee jerk reaction to isolated(tho tragic) incidents,whereas the mobile phones while driving law is needed.


ill confess ive been guilty in the past of answering a call while driving and nearly coming a cropper,my fault entirely,and it shook me up.


but i dont do it now,and in the last seven days,with my kids in the car ive nearly been side swiped twice by people too interested in the call they were taking. incredibly,one of them, a womean,got out of her car to have a go at me while still having the call in progress(telling the other person she was dealing with a d1ckhead driver) total madness

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Originally posted by gizmo

The dogs law is a knee jerk reaction to isolated(tho tragic) incidents,whereas the mobile phones while driving law is needed.


ill confess ive been guilty in the past of answering a call while driving and nearly coming a cropper,my fault entirely,and it shook me up.


I agree with all that lot.

Before it was illegal i did answer a call whilst driving and nearly crashed, so i never did it again! You cannot talk on the phone and drive at the same time. IT IS NOT SAFE!

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2 near crashes? Has it occured to you that it's more than likely your own fault? Just because they had a phone in their hand doesn't make it their fault.


If you crashed into the back of someone that was holding a phone, would you still blame them?

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