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Running first thing in a morning


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Does anybody go running first thing in a morning? if so do you think its a good time to get out? Im thinking of setting my alarm half an hour earlier and doing a run while my husband and little girl are still in bed (if I can get up that is)would be about 6.30, good idea or bad?

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It's a wonderful time to go.


You've already stated one advantage in your husband and daughter still being in bed. You won't be missed for half-an-hour.


It's a cracking time to get out, get the exercise aspect of your day out of the way, to get showered and to really set you up for the day.


You will also be at your lightest weight running after a night's sleep. Your body will still be physically exercising itself (ie, burning calories) long after you've finished your run.


It's usually the quietest time to go, so no-one should bother you and if it's a nice morning, the sunrise can really lift your spirits.


You really can't lose.


(From a runner whose damaged his knee and is now awaiting an MRI scan!)

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Yes this is what i thought, i get to go out before they wake, i normally go on a monday before tea with a friend but want to start doing more days but find it a bit hard when i have things on most nights and dont want my husband to be constantly looking after our daughter while i go for a run.


I think i will give it a try! thanks


Hope Your injury gets better soon

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As someone who does a hell of a lot of running; I must say early morning is by far the best! Espescially if you get out just before first light and catch the sunrise! It really sets you up for the day and switches your brain on from the "get go"! I was just South of the Scotish Borders this weekend and getting to the top of a big bugger of a hill in time to see first light was more than worth it!!!!

If you need an early moning running partner and are willing to do at least 10K then PM me and I'll gladly join you!

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Thanks for that but im still at 5K stage (just). I really like my sleep at the mo and I am going to struggle getting up but sooo want to do it so will have to force myself up, once up I will be fine. I am going to aim for this in the morning, will let you know if I managed it. :D

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Originally posted by teddygirl

Thanks for that but im still at 5K stage (just). I really like my sleep at the mo and I am going to struggle getting up but sooo want to do it so will have to force myself up, once up I will be fine. I am going to aim for this in the morning, will let you know if I managed it. :D


It will be well worth it!!


I used to run early mornings and it was by far the best time of day to run. The early morning struggle to get out of bed just seemed to vanish once I hit the streets. Can't beat it - no traffic, no noise and lots of wildlife to be seen. Mega!!

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hey there...i agree totally that running first thing in the morning is a beautiful idea....

ollie you are close to me...maybe we could meet up to run together...

just did the great north run..loved it...need to train for the london marathon if you fancy training with me...

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