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The evils of coffee and coke ..

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A work colleague was banging on about the evils of caffeine in coffee and aspartime (?) in Coke today. He's a veggie. :roll:


Now I know that sometimes things don't seem bad but over a period of time they can do you harm, but am I missing something here?


Is caffeine THAT bad?


Are sweeteners in diet Coke THAT bad.


On my way home from work I remembered this guy was a smoker. How crazy is that? :loopy:


He's lecturing others on the debatable harms of everyday drinks and then inhales carbon monoxide, cyanide(?) and goodness knows what else from a cigarette from a packet that says in big letters "Smoking Kills"


Are there going to be signs on coffee packets or coke cans anytime soon saying "coffee kills" or "coke kills"?


I doubt it.


Dontcha hate it when you fail to make a valid point only to think of it long after the real conversation is over.


Ah well there's always SF to get such annoyances off your chest!


Do you know any smokers who don't drink coke 'cos it's bad for them ??? :confused:

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Do you know any smokers who don't drink coke 'cos it's bad for them ??? :confused:


I know a smoker who is really anti overweight people! He hates them and slags them off constantly because - you guessed it - they are a drain on NHS resources, have no self control, are selfish and indulgent etc! He just doesn't see the irony!!


As for caffeine and aspartame, I know I recently looked into the theories about aspartame and I'm pretty sure that studies have found no ill effects. It's bad as a diet aid (Diet Coke for example) because it doesn't retrain you to eat healthily, it feeds your craving for sweet things. This seems the only true fact I can find about the negative effects. But caffeine is bad for you isn't it - but even if you drank 50 coffees a day I don't think you'd come close to the damage that smoking does to a person!


When my sister was a smoking cessation counseller, she told me a fact that was something like; You have to be 7 stone overweight to be as adversly affecting your health as person who smokes 20 a daydoes! And in case anyone reads into this post that I am defending being overweight, I'm not (and I'm not overweight) but being overweight is nowhere near as bad as smoking.

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, she told me a fact that was something like; You have to be 7 stone overweight to be as adversly affecting your health as person who smokes 20 a daydoes! And in case anyone reads into this post that I am defending being overweight, I'm not (and I'm not overweight) but being overweight is nowhere near as bad as smoking.

That fact is a made up one.

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I know a smoker who is really anti overweight people! He hates them and slags them off constantly because - you guessed it - they are a drain on NHS resources, have no self control, are selfish and indulgent etc! He just doesn't see the irony!!


As for caffeine and aspartame, I know I recently looked into the theories about aspartame and I'm pretty sure that studies have found no ill effects. It's bad as a diet aid (Diet Coke for example) because it doesn't retrain you to eat healthily, it feeds your craving for sweet things. This seems the only true fact I can find about the negative effects. But caffeine is bad for you isn't it - but even if you drank 50 coffees a day I don't think you'd come close to the damage that smoking does to a person!


When my sister was a smoking cessation counseller, she told me a fact that was something like; You have to be 7 stone overweight to be as adversly affecting your health as person who smokes 20 a daydoes! And in case anyone reads into this post that I am defending being overweight, I'm not (and I'm not overweight) but being overweight is nowhere near as bad as smoking.


Caffeine is more immediate whereas smoking tends to be long term. If I drink a can of coke or cup of coffee it can quite literally put me out of action for a few days with debilitating consequences..I'm probably an exception to the rule though.

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People tend to hate most in other people what they can't acknowledge in themselves. A character trait, a personal weakness, it's the sort of bugbear that winds you up sometimes to ridiculous levels. This is exactly what some of us were trying to get across to another poster on a religious thread, one who has a noted habit* of criticising others while in fact describing himself. We all do it to an extent. It's easy to spot in others, harder to catch yourself doing it. When you do catch yourself doing it, the strength of the irritation deflates and you can chuckle about it.


I hope your two acquaintances are getting along OK from that thread the other week, by the way.





* This could apply to me too, for all I know, I'm not as bad as I used to be I hope. I know people who are a lot worse though.

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Caffeine in quantity is harmful. A mere one or two cups of coffee each day isn't enough to be cause for concern.


I know nothing about whether aspartame is harmful or not. However, I suspect that a lot of people who take up arms against it, do so merely because it's not a "naturally occurring" sweetener. There are still a great many Luddites in the world who claim that anything created by science is automatically bad - even when they're happily taking advantage of vast numbers of such creations in order to live a better life.

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Do you know any smokers who don't drink coke 'cos it's bad for them ??? :confused:


I think I've already told this story once on here.


Bought a can of diet coke from a vending machine as I'm walking out of the building lady walked up to me out of the blue and things got a little surrealistically went into some diatribe about how her husband works with aspartame and that it was really really bad, and she was basically trying to inform me not to drink it.

I threw the can in the bin, got home and started looking up aspartame.

Now we vet out any foodstuff with it in.

And ironically I do smoke.

My father drank diet coke for a good 20 years, sometimes up to 5 cans a day.

He lived to the age of 56.

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