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The evils of coffee and coke ..

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People tend to hate most in other people what they can't acknowledge in themselves. A character trait, a personal weakness, it's the sort of bugbear that winds you up sometimes to ridiculous levels. This is exactly what some of us were trying to get across to another poster on a religious thread, one who has a noted habit* of criticising others while in fact describing himself. We all do it to an extent. It's easy to spot in others, harder to catch yourself doing it. When you do catch yourself doing it, the strength of the irritation deflates and you can chuckle about it.


I hope your two acquaintances are getting along OK from that thread the other week, by the way.


* This could apply to me too, for all I know, I'm not as bad as I used to be I hope. I know people who are a lot worse though.


Hello Purdy. Know thyself is good but don't spend a lifetime doing it for it is a life wasted. As Socrates famously said, "As for me, all I know is that I know nothing."


Far more important is knowing the dangers that lurk outside of us (and internally as well) such as food, smoke, aspartame, and many other things.



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Just did a bit more googling on this


Caffeine and premature death ... http://www.google.com/search?btnG=1&pws=0&q=caffeine+premature+death


Ahhh so caffeine helps premature babies to breathe!


What about adults?


"For healthy adults, moderate daily caffeine intake (up to 400 mg/day, approximately four cups of coffee, or the equivalent of 6mg per kilogram of body weight in a person weighing 65kg ) does not appear to have any major adverse effects.(57,1) Nevertheless, because some of these findings are controversial, and caffeine consumption may be harmful to susceptible individuals, strategies are needed to encourage a reduction in dietary caffeine, with recommendations to moderate caffeine intake, and to substitute other drinks which do not contain caffeine, such as water."


Caffeine? It doen't worry me!


The news on aspartame is not so good ...


"... aspartame consumption leads to all sorts of illness and disease including cancerous tumors, lymphomas, leukemias, lesions in various organs, transitional cell carcinomas, nerve damage, seizures, and premature death." http://healthyliving20.blogspot.com/2010/09/aspartame-and-other-artificial.html


This may not be a definitive source, but from what I've read, there does appear to be a body of evidence building up ... however surely aspartame is not even in the same league of danger as smoking ...


"If you are a long-term smoker, on average, your life expectancy is about 10 years less than a non-smoker."


My conclusion?


Smoking - simply evil.


Coke (aspartame) - hmm not so good, but surely nothing to get your knickers in a twist over?


Coffee - good (IMO)

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Hello Purdy. Know thyself is good but don't spend a lifetime doing it for it is a life wasted. As Socrates famously said, "As for me, all I know is that I know nothing."


Far more important is knowing the dangers that lurk outside of us (and internally as well) such as food, smoke, aspartame, and many other things.



You really don't know what you're talking about on this one. You don't know the meaning of the terms and you don't understand the concept or the process. It's not selfish as you said elsewhere, if anything it's the antidote to egotism. It's being aware of your impulses and thoughts while you're doing all those other things in life, not instead of as you keep claiming. It's learning to hear the things you say to others and the judgements you make and simultaneously checking that you're not honestly guilty of them yourself. I'm not going to *waste any more of my life* trying to explain it to you.

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The news on aspartame is not so good ...


"... aspartame consumption leads to all sorts of illness and disease including cancerous tumors, lymphomas, leukemias, lesions in various organs, transitional cell carcinomas, nerve damage, seizures, and premature death." http://healthyliving20.blogspot.com/2010/09/aspartame-and-other-artificial.html


This may not be a definitive source, but from what I've read, there does appear to be a body of evidence building up ... however surely aspartame is not even in the same league of danger as smoking ...


"If you are a long-term smoker, on average, your life expectancy is about 10 years less than a non-smoker."


My conclusion?


Smoking - simply evil.


Coke (aspartame) - hmm not so good, but surely nothing to get your knickers in a twist over?


Coffee - good (IMO)


Ah but the anti aspartame link is a link to a holistic therapy website. They say the following...


Between 1974 when aspartame was approved and 1990, the number of brain tumors in people over the age of 65 had increased by 67 percent.


Um... except they offer no evidence and don't claim to have any evidence to link aspartame to the increase in brain tumours. Just pseudo-scientific nonsense really, that website. I'm not saying that this means aspartame is safe and healthy, but the type of people who tend to scare monger about it are the holistic lot to whom all chemicals are evil.

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Correlation without trying to establish any method of causation.


Since 1974 the number of pirate attacks on commercial shipping has increased 10 fold, in the same period brain tumours have increased 67%. Ergo pirates cause brain tumours.

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Having had countless neurological investigations in to why my body was acting like it was, someone suggested I cut out aspartame from my diet. I'd tried everything else, so I thought what the hell. It was very hard, as almost everything contains it these days. It was worth it. Aspartame is evil.

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