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In love with 4 different girls - advice needed

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You could ask any of them if they are prepared to live with you under your bridge. Just a thought are trolls allowed to be polygamists? If so problem solved.


i'd never want them all, well not when they all know, like i said before, they would NEVER do that, i would never even think it, never mind asking them...

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i realise that and i realise that the chances of someone figuring it out because of my age are very very low but i can't risk it, you would understand if you have been in love,


for example, say if my girlfriend got suspicious, saw something between me and her friend and then she read this, she would tell from the way i type, the style i talk, that it could be someone she knows, then my age, then the fact that i like her friend etc etc, too risky, its already too risky being with her and her friend at the same time because of the chemistry and the way i treat her friend, how i care, it comes out automatically because i love her but i also love my girlfriend and the two other girls :(


You know nothing of love or what it is to be in love. If you REALLY loved your girlfriend then we wouldn't be having this debate. End of!

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Having 4 women is far too many for most of us,2 might be ok but not 4.


i dont "have" them, they dont all think i'm their boyfriend but i do want them and i know i could have them, yes thats ignorant but i if i tried hard enough, i can get whichever one i want...


thats where the problem begins, i dont want just 1, i mean i do, i love my girlfriend but i also want the others, hasnt anyone else got this problem?


i understand some of u are married, engaged, in a long serious relationship and so u cant respond etc...

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If that is so, you would happily forget these other women. In fact, if you love her then you wouldn't be feeling like you do towards these other women.


thats exactly how i feel and how i think i SHOULD be!


and yes i can happily forget, by that i mean that i can ignore my thoughts about the other girls but i would still keep having the thoughts, i'd feel guilty all the time :( like i do now

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