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Elsa Punzi..Did you know her?

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Hi Everyone! I am new to this forum & i am desperate find out any info about my dear friend..Elsa Punzi..who i just found out recently passed away. I live in London and for the past 14 months or so, she became a very special friend to me, the sister i never had. We corresponded by email almost on a weekly basis, but as i never received any replies/contact from her for over 6 weeks, i became extremely worried, this was so out of character! anyway, recently i decided i had to contact the local police in Sheffield & explained my worries, by the way, my friend had no family that i could contact! Within 1 hour of s

peaking to them ..my call was returned with the news i feared the most:(

I am just reaching out to anyone on this forum who may have known her & who could maybe fill me in on what happened to my friend?? The strange thing is that her last message to me was written on the 22nd July 2010..i've just discovered she passed away just 3 days later:( her email showed no sign of anything being wrong or upsetting in her life.. anyway, thank you for taking the time to read this. I know this is a strange kind of request on this forum..my apologies but if you can help, i would really appreciate it...thank you.

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  • 5 months later...

Hi. My name is kate and i'e just found this. Elsa was a long time friend and she hid the truth of her illness from me also. I found out she was in hospital and phoned but she wouldn't talk to me as she didnt want to worry me and the truth slip out.

Elsa was the most amazing women ever ! the BIGGEST heart on the planet and not a selfish bone in her body !

If you find this - get in touch ok :)

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