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Where to eat on 30th party

shoo gal

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Hi everyone


I turn 30 on Christmas Eve. Bad bad times :cry: I'm really not feeling it to be honest, I dunno why, but I just don't want to do much this year. So I thought I'd go out with close friends and family for lunch on December 18th then have a few drinks. It has to be this day because no-one is around usually on Christmas Eve, which is fine. The only thing is it's the last Saturday before xmas and is going to be rammed everywhere.


Anyone got any advice where to eat? I'll probably have to book and don;t want to have to pay a deposit. Also it can't be too expensive because it's at xmas and people will be poor, but it needs to be half decent.


Wig and Pen would've been ok but it's closed! Milestone is too expensive.



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We would be able to cater for you 30th birthday...


Currently have reservations on the 18th, visit our website for details




or call 0114 2722323




Hi, looks nice thanks. It says the xmas menu is from £12, is this for one course and £18 is for two or three? Also would I need to let you know in advance what people want from the menu, or can we choose on the day? It's for about 10 to 15 people from 2pm.

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