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Virgin Media Digital Services

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Anyone had recent problems with their V+ Vigin Media boxes ?

Since the 2nd week in September whenever my wife and I have accessed programs we have recorded, there has been a program in the list of recorded programs :

King Solomon's Mines.

The program in question has not been / is not listed in any TV magazine or national newspaper, yet it still keeps appearing on our recorded programs - we delete it everyday.


We contacted Virgin Media and were put through to a call centre in India.......in India I ask you - we told the person at the other end of the line what the problem was and was told it was a bug in the system.


We have since contacted Virgin Media again and managed to speak to someone closer to home.......told exactly the same thing - its a bug in the system !!


The problem is still ongoing, if there's a bug in the system then why dont they fix it ?


Another problem we seem to have with Virgin Media........more often than not, when you switch on the V+ box and access what's on TV it comes up ' No Program Information '

You attempt to get online on the PC and the home page won't load - carrying out service to broadband.


When Virgin Media use to be called Blueyonder we had no trouble with it, when it was called Telewest we had no trouble with it..........Since the change over to Virgin Media nothing but trouble !

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We've had problems with ours too. Way back in February, and again in July, we recorded a couple of programmes, and they won't delete! They do look like they have deleted, only to come back again the day after. I have rung Virgin about them, and was told that it was nothing to worry about!


Also, we get the "no programme information" too - it's really annoying.

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In the last six months I have had to call Virgin (India) 5 times. Our cable and internet seem to crash at the same time. Any body else have this problem? They say its a problem in our area. Is it worth swapping to another service or are they as bad? As someone said in 10 years of Blueyonder/Ntl no problems. Only started happening this year!

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