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Is an EU Citizen entitled to claim benefits?

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Did it never occur to them to wonder why it was cheaper to hire Polish builders than British ones? Perhaps they need a basic lesson in market economics.
So let's all live in hovels on slave wages, shall we? What are you some sort of sweat shop merchant?


If you spend years learning your trade and doing it right, you expect to be able to get a decent living wage. A labourer is worthy of his hire. Standards of living are lower in EE and it's obvious that they can come to the West, without their families, live badly for a year or so, send most of their wages home and then leave again at little detriment to themselves. Brickies from here did it when we were in dire straits, but that was Germany and they were actually needed there.


If you're trying to run a home and family in a prosperous country, you need a decent wage. Meh, you sound like some workhouse master from Victorian times.

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Then find a job that will earn you one. Nobody owes it to you.


If the rich aren't paying well enough, then don't work for them. Go self-employed.

They were self employed. I think you're slightly mad! We have a minimum wage obviously, but that's for unskilled people. You don't expect to have an influx of 'skilled' people suddenly arriving and working for the minimum, do you>


Added to which their standards are slightly different from ours. Building regs is an unknown word outside UK?

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I know a couple of brickies who'd never been out of work for over 20 years and the polish builder invasion cost them their jobs. One of them actually took a job at Iceland, shelf filling - so please don't accuse them of not wanting to work. :(


Many of the large/medium sized developments in the UK that brought East Europeans to the UK were made possible by developers being able to present a business plan to their funders that was viable, labour costs being a significant element of expenditure is scrutinised obsessively. Being able to secure a large workforce of unskilled and semi skilled labour at a competitive, fixed price was the comfort lenders needed to support many projects here.

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The rich have nothing to do with this argument. Perhaps you need a basic lesson in market economics?




I don't. I came from a family with nothing, I worked for years to earn enough to get by on, and I quit.

and did you when you worked have a decent living wage with no competition from outsiders? the rich have everything to do with this if they didnt want to make enough profit for themselves they could give the workers a better wage.i see that you would like all british workers not earning enough money to toe the line .the way this country is going everybody will be on some kind of benefit whether that be unemployment benefit or working tax credit benefits because they will all be living on the breadline .by the way what benefits are you on now ?
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