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Vive laFrance, they show us the way.

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It's this French attitude which shows an unwillingness to face up to reality that led them to the unmitigated disasters like the Maginot line, Dien Bien Phu and Algeria.


You mean like our unmitigated disaster in Afghanistan?

And that's not the first - time we faced up to reality too.

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There is a theory that people only take to the streets in extremis. This is exacerbated by hot weather. Therefore, the possibility of the UK population actually getting off their collective backsides and doing something is limited to a couple of days in June.


You'll have to wait for the Revolution, we're all watching television.


Like many hundreds of millions before me i shall go to my grave an oppressed, downtrodden man, I know. :(;)

But do we care, it is a day off, Sunday :banana::partyhat::thumbsup:

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When that alarm goes of at 5am tomorrow its back to the grindstone, what shall I do with the rest of my day off. :huh:


Just refresh yourself with the thought that it will soon be over.


Come Wednesday, Gideon Osborne will have reduced us to 3rd world status.

We will all be sitting at the roadside begging visiting chinese tourists for coppers.

Think how much more fulfilled and happy you will be.

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Britain could learn lessons from Mumbai slums.... says charles.


With the lack of social housing, an increasing population driven by immigration to keep workers wages low and the lowest levels of housebuilding in peacetime since 1924 we might have to.


The people in power should think very carefully about making cuts to the fire service whilst ripping of the youth. Disgruntled youth, firebombs, politicians houses and a striking fire service are like mixing mushy peas and baked beans.


What the hell is that man on?

He lives in some parallel Universe I am sure.

No wonder the Queen refused to abdicate when we called for it years ago.

She has seen him at close quarters, and knows how stupid he is.

If he ever gets to be King, then the PM of the day will have to force him out.

Ala Edward VIII and Stanley Baldwin.


I believe he also wants to be named George VII instead of CharlesIII

The arrogant stupidity of the man accelerates daily.

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Maybe sooner than you think, I could be out of work before the year is out. :(


I am told that my post is 'ring fenced ' for the time being.

I was TUPED under PFI.

All the contracts are with big business and the government.

Not even Cameron would dare to take on the big beasts such as Balfour Beatty.

It is my colleagues and comrades left in the NHS that I fear for.

We still work closely, and must stick together in the stressful times ahead.


I truly hope that the Leaders of Unite and Unison are learning lessons from France, and are not going to go belly up at the first shout from Cameron.

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I am told that my post is 'ring fenced ' for the time being.

I was TUPED under PFI.

All the contracts are with big business and the government.

Not even Cameron would dare to take on the big beasts such as Balfour Beatty.

It is my colleagues and comrades left in the NHS that I fear for.

We still work closely, and must stick together in the stressful times ahead.


I truly hope that the Leaders of Unite and Unison are learning lessons from France, and are not going to go belly up at the first shout from Cameron.


Unfortunately its everyman for themselves where we are, they made some redundant last week and this week people are working overtime :o:o, people slate unions but without them we really are ******.

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Unfortunately its everyman for themselves where we are, they made some redundant last week and this week people are working overtime :o:o, people slate unions but without them we really are ******.


You see this is where the problem is.

Socialists, and Union members were called by a PM in the 80's as 'the enemy within'

There then began an inroad against Union membership.

And thousands fell for it.

We end up with the situation you are in.

No unity or representation.

They are doing as they please, and you are suffering.

It is happening everywhwere.

They bring in desperate contract men, who have signed away all their rights, just to earn a crust.

They dilute the incumbent workforce, and therefore make our clout less than it should be.

The lads on contract cannot support us, they would be down the road straightaway.

I can see in about 15 years time, when all proper apprentice trained, and qualified men have retired, that all will be agency and contract men.

And we will be back to where we where 200 years ago.

Gaffers lackeys.

It hurts me hard, as i was in the automotive industry as a lad, and we had the gaffers by the balls.

As Jack Jones said 'When you have them by the balls. their hearts and minds will follow' Top man he was. :thumbsup:

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