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Moan Moan - Why?

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Is it me, or does no one have anything happy or positive to contribute to this forum anymore?


I remember the days when most threads were lighthearted and fun places to put across an opinion. Sadly, those days seem so far away. Threads just seem to descend into squabling and petty nit picking.


So, now that I've had a moan about other people moaning, I would like your opinions. How can we make this a much happier place?

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We have a moaning about people moaning thread every week seemingly too ;)


It's not a new thing though, we've had people complaining that the forum's not the place it used to be for 7 of the 8 years that SF has existed, which makes me wonder quite what people think that they are seeking, or whether they just have rose tinted glasses.

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Well moaning is a national sport and we are very good at it. It's probably caused by the melancholy weather. I have been in a debate on here with people moaning about the BBC. Myself and others reminded them how wonderful it is and how it enhances our lives. That's our positive contribution!

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Life is good, and incredibly short, so why waste all that energy on something negative. Put your energy to good use, get out there and combat the very things that make you feel miserable.


AO's thought of the day is sponsored by prozac :D


Even the feel good thread about the Chilean Miners has now descended into squabbling.:(

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There is Wrath of Khan on t' telly later - surely the chance to hear Shatner speak the immortal line "KAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!" is enough to brighten the greyest of days and meanest of spirits?

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I have a theory about this. Its not a great theory or well tested or anything but its a theory none the less.


Because we have it so easy people are now reduced to moaning and whining over the least little thing. The smallest problem or perceived slight or the thought that someone may be getting something they aren't then they make mountains out of molehills. Because we're lucky enough to live in a prosperous country with the finest technology, some of the best healthcare and plentiful food people need to make drama and tragedy out of little things because they have everything else they can possibly need. On top of this they have been taught from a young age they are "special" and "unique" and deserving of everything in the world and they should have no problems or trauma in life, they should have everything they want when they want it and when it doesn't happen they make the most enormous fuss.


People now have their smallest comfort resolved so they then look at other people and want what they have. Even if what the other person has isn't as good as what they've got. Look at the absurd outbursts about people on benefits and immigrants.


What people need to do is learn to take pleasure in the small stuff again. You aren't special or unique, you aren't going to be a star or a legend. The best you can hope for is that nothing really bad happens to you and you die an easy, painless death. this really is about as good as it gets. Deal with it



What you say makes sense and I believe you are probably right to an extent. I suspect there might be more to it in some cases, but the majorit of the time the above theory applies.

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