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Anyone know what the R/O memorial in Millhouses park is about

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Some-one from the 'friends of Millhouses park' has answered my query and they weren't aware of the stone and don't know who put it there or why. So if anyone can cast some light on the subject, feel free to do so as I'm curious.

So far as I can gather it's a memorial by the 'Retained organs society' ... have you seen it?

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I noticed it several months ago but it seems odd as it is an an area where it will soon be hidden by the grass as that side of the river recieves little or no attention. Surely if some-one went to the trouble of paying for the thing and then having it installed they'd of wanted it to be in a much more well used spot and so seen by more people.

I'm now just curious to know why it is where it is and as it is a memorial then if it had been me I'd of been asking the council to install it on top of a lump of stone. The park had quite a lot of large pieces of stone after they had removed the wer neear the skateboard park

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I noticed it several months ago but it seems odd as it is an an area where it will soon be hidden by the grass as that side of the river recieves little or no attention. Surely if some-one went to the trouble of paying for the thing and then having it installed they'd of wanted it to be in a much more well used spot and so seen by more people.

I'm now just curious to know why it is where it is and as it is a memorial then if it had been me I'd of been asking the council to install it on top of a lump of stone. The park had quite a lot of large pieces of stone after they had removed the wer neear the skateboard park

I sort of get the impression it's not supposed to be seen. It's almost as if someone has a guilt complex ... maybe wants to apologise for something and feels so strongly about it has sort of erected a gravestone. It strikes me as an apology for something that has been done and weighs very heavily on their mind. Of course, it can't be shown as It's an apology for a secret, but someone is sorting out their demons by creating a memorial. I'm thinking it may have been placed by a doctor who's retained organs of young children who's been affected about what they've done. This is their way of coming to terms with it.

If that's the case, I feel very sorry for them as it must be something that haunts them. The plaque is very well made and has been placed where no one can see it, almost like a hidden secret ... you're right, it'll quickly become overgrown and obscured.

This is pure conjecture of course but I can't think of another explanation ... it makes me really sad to think about it ... not for the retained organs but the person who felt compelled to put it there.

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