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Paying for air at petrol stations

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I was a bit peed off today when I pulled into a Jet in hillsborough to use the air machine and discovered it charged; not because I'm particularly tight fisted but because I had no change on me. It was really quite annoying.



Yes, it always happens with parking meters too!

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Yes, it always happens with parking meters too!


with parking meters I expect to have to pay, but I expect to be able to go SOMEWHERE to get some free air when I have no change on me. I'm still driving around on an almost flat tyre now because of this.

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I expect it as goodwill from somewhere I've spent £50 and also to encourage people not to skimp on maintaining their car's road worthiness for the sake of a quid - and thus ensuring the safety of other drivers and of pedestrians.

Tesco now charge £1 to put water in the windscreen tank. It's supposed to have wash in it...well they either forgot to add it when I filled up or it was rubbish quality.


I suppose you get what you pay for. Logic dictates that nothing in life is free and as a devote of Ruskin I tend to follow his advice on buying too cheaply.


If a filling station charges for air they have an incentive to maintain the equipment. Therefore you stand a better chance of actually putting 28 psi in your tyres when the gauge has been maintained.


Similarly a filling station that doesn't charge will probably have to charge more for the fuel in order to subsidise a free service. You pays your money and takes your chance. That chance might be a blow out when you are doing 80 down the M1.

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The pressure gauge in a filling station has a regular calibration guaranteeing its acuracy.


Only the ones that charge though?


If a filling station charges for air they have an incentive to maintain the equipment. Therefore you stand a better chance of actually putting 28 psi in your tyres when the gauge has been maintained.
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