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Paying for air at petrol stations

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  • 7 months later...
So the garage spends a couple of thousand quid on on a machine to blow up tyres. They spend a fortune on electricity to run it and for maintaining it. I just wonder why you would expect that for nothing.


So a garage spends a couple of thousand pounds on a pump to fill fuel tanks. They spend even more on electric to run it. Or would you expect to use a footpump to fill your fuel tank? The air surely is a loss leader and it works - I go to the garage that has free air and water - petrol is the same price but guess who always has the buisest forecourt...

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Perhaps we should start the Campaign for Free Air.


Perhaps it should be a compaign to recover free air - we used ot get it for free and it does work as I say before... :-)


I can still remember when someone would pump it for you - are there any serviced fuel stations left these days? I've not seen one for must be 20 years now...

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So a garage spends a couple of thousand pounds on a pump to fill fuel tanks. They spend even more on electric to run it. Or would you expect to use a footpump to fill your fuel tank? The air surely is a loss leader and it works - I go to the garage that has free air and water - petrol is the same price but guess who always has the buisest forecourt...


It doesn't really matter to me who has the busiest forecourt. It is rather like saying the pub that does 2 meals for £10 is busier than the place up the road that cooks proper food. I know which one would get my business.

You get what you pay for in this life. So when I go to check my tyres I don't mind waiting 5 minutes for the man in the Caltec van to finish recalibrating the gauge and then paying a few pence to use it. At least I know that my tyre pressures will be correct. I'd rather do that than spend 10 minutes checking them and ending up with the pressures worse than when I started.

It is better to spend a little to avoid spending a lot, and a wrongly inflated tyre wears out far quicker than a correctly inflated one. It is also far less likely to blow out. So when you are changing your blown tyre on the way home from your 2 for a tenner meal, you might just reflect on that.

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