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What to do with drug addicts?

Drug addicts in the gene pool  

55 members have voted

  1. 1. Drug addicts in the gene pool

    • Treat and rehabilitate
    • Sterilise and remove
    • Execute to remove
    • I'm confused

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Doesn't matter quite so much what he spends it on, now he can't bring kids into his lifestyle at the taxpayers' expense.


Since an addict would consent to having his leg amputated in order to get their fix it is hardly informed consent.


The organization has provoked controversy, partly from the way in which it promotes its activities, including allegedly targeting poor and minority neighborhoods for the placement of billboard advertising, and distributing flyers with slogans such as "DON'T Let a Pregnancy get in the way of your crack habit"




This woman is clearly a deranged religious lunatic, she should have her tubes cauterised to prevent her having any more brainwashed children.

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I saw a Swedish politician talking recently about sterilisation treatment for 1 year for addicts and other unfit mothers. The temporary nature meant of course that it could be reviewed.


Having formerly worked in the family courts for years I believe that sterilisation is a good measure though it would be fairer on a temporary basis. I remember women and couples dependent on drugs and alcohol who would simply keep having children regardless. Those kids would be automatically taken into care so the women would keep having more assuming that they could somehow keep them this time. Sad and disturbing but getting clean never seemed to occur to some of them.

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Since an addict would consent to having his leg amputated in order to get their fix it is hardly informed consent.


The organization has provoked controversy, partly from the way in which it promotes its activities, including allegedly targeting poor and minority neighborhoods for the placement of billboard advertising, and distributing flyers with slogans such as "DON'T Let a Pregnancy get in the way of your crack habit"




This woman is clearly a deranged religious lunatic, she should have her tubes cauterised to prevent her having any more brainwashed children.

Do you think it is a bad thing to stop drug addicts from reproducing? From inflicting misery on unfortunate, unwanted kiddies, which will probably end up, if not addicts themselves, with broken lives in and out of care?
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harris's view, like the American justice system, is that drug takers are automatically bad people. She doesn't say a word about parents who drink or smoke tobacco or speed in their car with children in it. A child is many times more likely to be killed by a speeding driver than be affected by drugs. She offers them a "choice". Giving money to someone who's horrifically addicted counts as a choice? Really? She is doing nothing to stem this problem at its roots, probably because that is far too complicated a thing for her to comprehend, and because it's easier to target addicts, give them money and claim an instant result than it is to do something lasting and useful.


I heard her on the radio. She does recognise that this is how people will see her campaign.


To she does not care, she goes down the 'if one single child can be saved from a nightmare then its worth it people can say what they like, I dont care about the adults and their lives' morality trail. She almost wears it like a badge of honour.


Its one way of looking at things I suppose but you could use that way of thinking to justify all sorts of policies so on its own I dont think its a valid arguement.

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I can see it now, anyone who smokes, drinks, is overweight, in jail, or mentally disabled will have to undergo forced sterilization! 40 million smokers in the US, is she going to sterelise all of them? Heroin is much safer than tobacco, after all. I knew a heroin addict who was a great single parent, you could tell he loved his little girl. Women like Harris with their neo-con muscular Christianity make me sick.

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Do you think it is a bad thing to stop drug addicts from reproducing? From inflicting misery on unfortunate, unwanted kiddies, which will probably end up, if not addicts themselves, with broken lives in and out of care?



Who says the children are "unwanted"?




Let's say health insurance costs go so high that only the wealthy can afford them. However, if the poor want to keep their children alive they have a choice: they can sell various body parts and organs for a year or two's worth of health insurance (or the funds for such.) . . . . . . That way the wealthy would always have a ready supply of replacement organs and the poor would have a "choice."


That's the slippery slope Harris and her deluded followers are heading towards.

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This woman is clearly a deranged religious lunatic

Clearly? I think you're being a little harsh. She manages to make her points sensibly without bringing a religion into it. The only reference to any religion on the charity's website is a few churches with drug treatment centres.


Her language is a little harsh, which distorts one's perception of her, but i don't think she is a lunatic.


Note; we do seem to be going off the topic which Tony wants. :)

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Clearly? I think you're being a little harsh. She manages to make her points sensibly without bringing a religion into it. The only reference to any religion on the charity's website is a few churches with drug treatment centres.


Her language is a little harsh, which distorts one's perception of her, but i don't think she is a lunatic.


Note; we do seem to be going off the topic which Tony wants. :)


The options are treat, sterilis, execute.


what about 'leave in peace', 'im not a nazi'

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