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The Dempsey's Megathread


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1) Whats the deal with Anita - does she just DJ or perform as well?

2) I am not always negative on here "elphaba" - just inquisitive and curious sometimes

3) Has Dempseys got that espresso coffee machine yet ? It would be nice to go in there sometime and not have "alcohol only " options

4) They should heat up their food more - I know of a friend recently who got an almost cold cheess burger in there or least it was by the time they got it

5) I think there should be an older controlling influence on the young male bar staff downstairs there of an early evening who sometimes lark about with each other with inappropriate behaviour - remember straight people go in there also - and stop them JUST having a diet of Kylie and madge on the monitors ALL the time :-O


I'm straight and I go in there - yes, I'm a woman and that kind of behaviour doesn't bother me. But I'm sorry, if you're a straight guy/girl, go to a gay club and don't expect or want to see 2 men, or indeed women messing around, kissing etc, or whatever, then you're really going to the wrong place IMO.

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I'm straight and I go in there - yes, I'm a woman and that kind of behaviour doesn't bother me. But I'm sorry, if you're a straight guy/girl, go to a gay club and don't expect or want to see 2 men, or indeed women messing around, kissing etc, or whatever, then you're really going to the wrong place IMO.


Yes how correct this is, its a gay bar, you should expect 2 men kissing, hugging etc etc and same with women.


I really cannot belive Carb said that.

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Well personally I dont mind what they do - I was just worried for the straight men who I do know for a fact go in there cos they like it as a nice friendly bar :-~


And how dare benson&H call me an elder when he is 42 - that is ancient on the gay scene BH dear ! ANyway I am releived I can still go somewhere and dance in a cage with my zimmerframe and no-one cares a jot ;-)

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I wasn't having a go at you Carb, but it does annoy me when people go to a gay club and expect NOT to see this kind of thing because it makes them feel uncomfortable - just don't go there if you ask me.


I was there the other week and this guy kept saying "I'm not gay but.....". OK - we get it, you like women, but he kept going on and on and on. It's not like anyone would have fancied him anyway :hihi:

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the ones who promote 'im not gay' ususally protest 'too much' if you ask me


ive slept with a couple of 'straight' guys who frequent dempseys!


i should be quiet now lol


I know what you mean.


Apparently the difference between a gay and straight man is between 6-8 pints*



*quoting one of my friends.

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