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The Dempsey's Megathread


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o boy o boy o boy.. yes had the best time in Edinburgh.. it was the start of the festival.. lots of parades and street entertainment.


also experinced the deadly vaults..saw ghosts and goules. Got wipped with a women in a black cloak.


Met some crazy scotish girls while clubbing.. who treated us to a night of crazy dancing.


Glad to be home and resting.


Missed SF x


ooh i am glad u enjoyed urself.. did u remember my edinburgh rock?



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well erm erm yes i did... but.. unfortuantly i left it up authers seat.. :( you might have to climb up and get it.



ooh... maybe it will taste better if i let it mature before even going near it, just like a good whisky or wine needs...


ill let u know in a few centuries time, upon collection if the maturing process has been beneficial... or whether it has become some freak example of disaster in its lowest form, and would have to be rapidly disposed of into a bin?


ooh, deja vu moment (please do excuse moi... ) i have just remembered some wretched thing that physically has definately without a shadow of doubt matured, and it could be argued it has actually unrealistically severely over-matured in physical terms!!! way beyond anybody's wildest dreams! however in all terms other than physical, the specimin in question has in fact become so immature, i doubt it could ever ever be classified.. this freak example of all the lowest of the low must be shredded in a cross cut shredder, and then decompressed, into a vile pink shade recycled toilet paper.. with no antibac qualities, and too cheap and nasty to even come in a package and therefore only is available in lets say dumpseys loo, most nights, slumped on the floor in a heap, trying to attach itself to something much younger, fresher than its-self, only to be seen clearly by everyone else at the end of the night clinging to this innocent much younger and fresher thing and then in just the nick of time.... the super hero thing, known only to appear in the most severe cases of lecherous, filthy beastiality, swooped down from very high and moral place in the night sky, covering the filthy from dumpseys loo in over ripened manure, and bagging it up in some kind of plastic casing, before dumping it gracefully in the river humber. never to be seen again.

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Now why do I know that you all arrived after I left! :hihi:

I was in from about 10.30 until 1am(ish), mainly downstairs at that....spent a fair time talking to martin at the bar.


Oh we must have seen you then dear! I was the butch one, drinking Boddingtons... :)

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Oh we must have seen you then dear! I was the butch one, drinking Boddingtons... :)


i just remembered, i wasnt even in dempseys - so actually dont really know at all...




at least im on a par with mel sykes in the 'air head' department.. ill keep practising the accent.

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