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The Dempsey's Megathread


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I certainly feel sick this morning though can't help thinking that's partly due to being dragged on the unplanned trip around Sheffield to go and upset a kebab shop owner by spilling kebab on his freshly swept/mopped floor.





u dirty cow. it was the flying potato wedges i was scared of.:huh:

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popped into dempseys last nite, had a great time apart from -


feeling sick at having to pay £2 to get in

feeling sick when the doorman tried to grope me,

feeling sick when i was served a pint of warm, flat carling

feeling sick when i got too hot cos of the lack of air conditioning

feeling sick when i went to the toilet and realised there was no toilet seats





That DoorMan is Rancid. He trys it on with my fella all the time mate.


Dempseys is a dive. And gets more minging with each time it opens its shutters.

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I have written to Colin/Kieron on several times and never got a reply. I also mentioned the Sheffield Gay Scene website as well and still awaiting a reply, maybe you can "nudge them" for me :thumbsup: as I would like to include more detailed info about what they do on every night. ut if you are printing this off they will eventually read it. :)


The bouncer is aware of it, as I have mentioned it to him.


Same here, We sent a questionaire for the QueerSheffield.com site with a SAE enclosed so they didn't even have to pay to reply. But no respnse yet. You'd have thought they would have been happy to get free publicity. And at the moment its delaying the launch of the site, In fact I'm amazed at how unhelpful the Scene is in providing the information when at the end of the day it benifits everyone. The only people that have bothered to respond are Ruskins, Les Femmes and Fuel, No reply from Dempseys, Homomad, Club Xes, Roebuck or Climax. Such a world apart from the other citys where were launchin aswell, where the venues have bent over backwards to provide the info and be as helpful as possible. Its such a shame on Sheffields part. Especialy when were wanting Sheffield to be our Flagship Site as it will be the first to launch.

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:o You dirty boy! :)

Did you get any?


oops I miss-worded my message, it should have said:


well finally met Stagemonkey

soz I dint say goodbye but you was busy looikin for trade upstairs


Missed out the vital "you" word.


Shall probably be in there tonight, having withdrawal symptoms, been 4 days without a drink ;)

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ha ha what spider pete forget to tell you... he met up with me too..and i introduced him to stachmonkey

Glad you had a fun night pete

thanx for prompting me to come out



Oh yes, forgot about you, yes I was a bit late, but better late than never, good to chat again....... :)

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When ever I've walked past Dempseys in the day it seems to be full of foul mouthed people shouting and screaming. And I don't mean in a happy way. If that's what it's like in the day I don't ever want to experience it at night. The Moor is fast becoming a s***e area at any hour though.

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