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The Dempsey's Megathread


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love Dempsey's website it's great love reading Mehmet's blog page so funny and the agony aunt bit. OMG how funny is she!!!!



I love the new website and I have e-mailed Mehmet to say how funny his comments are, BUT I want my photo on the gallery, spits dummy out, lol

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Taking into account the regeneration in Sheffield City Centre and the planned demolition of Lions Lair, Fuel and Dempseys over the next few years then maybe it's time for some gay business men/women to come together with the City Council and Chamber of Commerce to plan out a "gay village", a few bars and a club, cafes etc, I am not talking on the scale they have in cities like Manchester or Newcastle just something small but accessible, bit like Belfast, which I was very impressed with.


I've just been talking about this on the 'Sheffield's Gay Zone' Thread. I'd be up for this idea. Anyone else?

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love Dempsey's website it's great love reading Mehmet's blog page so funny and the agony aunt bit. OMG how funny is she!!!!


I saw this and had to check it out.I take it that the site is for people that have never been.Still it made me laugh for all the wrong reasons.

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