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The Dempsey's Megathread


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Well, I popped down for the cabaret night on Monday.


Tyranna was on first, doing a Amy Whinehouse inpresonation (I think thats who Tyranna was doing), she couldn`t keep the wig on, had to hold it with one hand, miming wasnt upto much either, probably didnt have time to learn the song.


The rest of the Dempseys bar staff did a good job, all in all a nice night out.


I believe tonight is killer pool tournament or something.

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Why are the gay people of Sheffield so different to other cities. Seriously, 'we feel safer'!? I kiss my boyfriend in all the 'straight' places, you think anyone cares? no! You may get the odd look but seriously NO. I don't understand why the gay people of Sheffield feel they need to lock themselves away, how is gay pride going to work here next year?? You go to canal street in Manchester there are loads of straight people, do you feel threatened? NO, haha. Come on people :loopy:. I don't understand these membership places, silly! You don't get membership places in Soho, only for the exclusive bars, COME ON SHEFFIELD CATCH UP!



I don't think it safer. My mate got gay bashed on the Moor and put into hospital when he was on his way to Dempsey's. He even gets strangers calling him names on the street on a fairly regular basis. This wouldn't happen in London, you're more likely to be beaten up for homophobia than for being gay in London.

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Well, I popped down for the cabaret night on Monday.


Tyranna was on first, doing a Amy Whinehouse inpresonation (I think thats who Tyranna was doing), she couldn`t keep the wig on, had to hold it with one hand, miming wasnt upto much either, probably didnt have time to learn the song.




I believe tonight is killer pool tournament or something.



Thanks, Pete, for getting it more-or-less right about who I was impersonating. I got almost universal applause for such a shockingly original take on poor Amy; sorry about the wig; I couldn't get hold of any elastic upstairs to strap it on, so I had to hold it, but most people there thought the way I let the wig topple deliberately halfway through the performance added something to the show.

BTW, I had been practicing miming the song A LOT. It was just at the beginning that I decided to be drinking some beer to add realism to Amy's drunkenness, but I missed the first lines!


Now, Pete, STOP baiting me, the mods, and other users of the Forum. as I WILL PERSONALLY REPORT YOU to the administrators.


You are, however, OK, as allowed under the Forum rules, to mildly and without prejudice offer your criticisms, but if you overstep the line again too far, or repeatedly, such as when you have criticised a certain DJ who is a personal friend of mine, as well as a certain commercial establishment which I will not name here, myself and my colleagues will NOT HESITATE to take the STRONGEST ACTION, which WILL, if necessary include the involvement of the authorities.


Now, that I have at long last got this out from under my belt, I hope you will remember that this is the season of Goodwill, and that we can remain friends from this moment on, and I will not have to say anything like this again on the Forum.




YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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P.s. Forgot to ask users to get BACK TO TOPIC, which is namely DEMPSEYS CLUB, which is having more charity events on for the remainder of the week, and do NOT use this thread to criticise/moan about/praise the careers of individual performers.


Merry Xmas and Happy New Year To All:love:

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Now, Pete, STOP baiting me, the mods, and other users of the Forum. as I WILL PERSONALLY REPORT YOU to the administrators.


You are, however, OK, as allowed under the Forum rules, to mildly and without prejudice offer your criticisms, but if you overstep the line again too far, or repeatedly, such as when you have criticised a certain DJ who is a personal friend of mine, as well as a certain commercial establishment which I will not name here, myself and my colleagues will NOT HESITATE to take the STRONGEST ACTION, which WILL, if necessary include the involvement of the authorities.


Now, that I have at long last got this out from under my belt, I hope you will remember that this is the season of Goodwill, and that we can remain friends from this moment on, and I will not have to say anything like this again on the Forum.




YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Who on earth do you think you are? Who are these 'authorities' of which you speak? The thought police?


I appreciate that you have a poor grasp of reality, but if you wish to retain any amount of credibility please give it a rest. You are becoming tiresome.

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Oh, FFS. Please, people....can't we have a seperate gay b*tching thread...this is boring. I know don't contribute much to the gay scene threads, despite having a great interest, but that's purely because it just ends up being a pantomine of a discussion; what kind of impression are you really trying to create? Boring, boring, boring

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Oh, FFS. Please, people....can't we have a seperate gay b*tching thread...this is boring. I know don't contribute much to the gay scene threads, despite having a great interest, but that's purely because it just ends up being a pantomine of a discussion; what kind of impression are you really trying to create? Boring, boring, boring




Oooo! Yes please. Lets set up a gay bitching thread. In fact I have a fantastic idea, why don't we set up a whole gay bitching bar too! We can call it Dempsey's. Maybe we can even start a thread about it here!!


*Clicks heels three times and wishes she was in Dempsy's"

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Thanks, Pete, for getting it more-or-less right about who I was impersonating. I got almost universal applause for such a shockingly original take on poor Amy; sorry about the wig; I couldn't get hold of any elastic upstairs to strap it on, so I had to hold it, but most people there thought the way I let the wig topple deliberately halfway through the performance added something to the show.

BTW, I had been practicing miming the song A LOT. It was just at the beginning that I decided to be drinking some beer to add realism to Amy's drunkenness, but I missed the first lines!


Now, Pete, STOP baiting me, the mods, and other users of the Forum. as I WILL PERSONALLY REPORT YOU to the administrators.


You are, however, OK, as allowed under the Forum rules, to mildly and without prejudice offer your criticisms, but if you overstep the line again too far, or repeatedly, such as when you have criticised a certain DJ who is a personal friend of mine, as well as a certain commercial establishment which I will not name here, myself and my colleagues will NOT HESITATE to take the STRONGEST ACTION, which WILL, if necessary include the involvement of the authorities.


Now, that I have at long last got this out from under my belt, I hope you will remember that this is the season of Goodwill, and that we can remain friends from this moment on, and I will not have to say anything like this again on the Forum.




YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ha ha ha, post of the year:hihi::hihi::hihi:

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Oooo! Yes please. Lets set up a gay bitching thread. In fact I have a fantastic idea, why don't we set up a whole gay bitching bar too! We can call it Dempsey's. Maybe we can even start a thread about it here!!


*Clicks heels three times and wishes she was in Dempsy's"

Well, I think you've set the scene nicely - go ahead, and set up the the thread - I'll give it two hours!! Seriously, though...if this went on on the straight scene there'd be no room for owt else...

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