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The Dempsey's Megathread


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Tyranna dear I am devastated to have missed your performance - especially now as I know it was Amy Winehouse that you were doing (I am a big fan of hers and I try to emulate her most times) .. but alas I was busy making preps for my Xmas trip - yes I am making a PA in Ireland over the Xmas and New Year period (not in drag I hasten to add) so I wont be back troubling these threads till January - when I intend to start a whole new Carby goes to ....xxx series with my frank and honest opinions about various places in Sheffield and surrounds writen in a grippingly travel writerly way .... in the meantime I wish everyone on the forum (including the bitches) a very merry Xmas and New Year ....

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in the meantime I wish everyone on the forum (including the bitches) a very merry Xmas and New Year ....

Here here...putting grievances aside for this time of year, whether christian or not, is an important step...perhaps something that could roll on to the new year???? Come on good people of Sheffield, it's worth a try.

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Thanks, Pete, for getting it more-or-less right about who I was impersonating. I got almost universal applause for such a shockingly original take on poor Amy; sorry about the wig; I couldn't get hold of any elastic upstairs to strap it on, so I had to hold it, but most people there thought the way I let the wig topple deliberately halfway through the performance added something to the show.

BTW, I had been practicing miming the song A LOT. It was just at the beginning that I decided to be drinking some beer to add realism to Amy's drunkenness, but I missed the first lines!


Now, Pete, STOP baiting me, the mods, and other users of the Forum. as I WILL PERSONALLY REPORT YOU to the administrators.


You are, however, OK, as allowed under the Forum rules, to mildly and without prejudice offer your criticisms, but if you overstep the line again too far, or repeatedly, such as when you have criticised a certain DJ who is a personal friend of mine, as well as a certain commercial establishment which I will not name here, myself and my colleagues will NOT HESITATE to take the STRONGEST ACTION, which WILL, if necessary include the involvement of the authorities.


Now, that I have at long last got this out from under my belt, I hope you will remember that this is the season of Goodwill, and that we can remain friends from this moment on, and I will not have to say anything like this again on the Forum.




YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


For the Love of God.



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Thanks, Pete, for getting it more-or-less right about who I was impersonating. I got almost universal applause for such a shockingly original take on poor Amy; sorry about the wig; I couldn't get hold of any elastic upstairs to strap it on, so I had to hold it, but most people there thought the way I let the wig topple deliberately halfway through the performance added something to the show.

BTW, I had been practicing miming the song A LOT. It was just at the beginning that I decided to be drinking some beer to add realism to Amy's drunkenness, but I missed the first lines!


Now, Pete, STOP baiting me, the mods, and other users of the Forum. as I WILL PERSONALLY REPORT YOU to the administrators.


You are, however, OK, as allowed under the Forum rules, to mildly and without prejudice offer your criticisms, but if you overstep the line again too far, or repeatedly, such as when you have criticised a certain DJ who is a personal friend of mine, as well as a certain commercial establishment which I will not name here, myself and my colleagues will NOT HESITATE to take the STRONGEST ACTION, which WILL, if necessary include the involvement of the authorities.


Now, that I have at long last got this out from under my belt, I hope you will remember that this is the season of Goodwill, and that we can remain friends from this moment on, and I will not have to say anything like this again on the Forum.




YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The gauntlet has been thrown down.......



Handbags at 20 paces :hihi:

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YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well after introducing myself to Tyranna last night in Dempseys and told her plainly not to even threaten me again on the Forum, she ran to the door staff and tried to get me banned, which didnt work.


Get in the real world dear and grow up.


You are not a MOD and the rest of your post isnt worth my time at all.


Merry Crimbo everyone. :)

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Tyranna dear I am devastated to have missed your performance - especially now as I know it was Amy Winehouse that you were doing (I am a big fan of hers and I try to emulate her most times) .. but alas I was busy making preps for my Xmas trip - yes I am making a PA in Ireland over the Xmas and New Year period (not in drag I hasten to add) so I wont be back troubling these threads till January - when I intend to start a whole new Carby goes to ....xxx series with my frank and honest opinions about various places in Sheffield and surrounds writen in a grippingly travel writerly way .... in the meantime I wish everyone on the forum (including the bitches) a very merry Xmas and New Year ....


You heading off to Ireland yourself over Xmas, Carborundum?


Which part?


I'll be visiting my folks in Cork over Xmas, but I'll also be in Ultimate Bar, Waterford on Dec 22nd and possibly other nights, and also in Dublin on and around the 30th!

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Just to say if anyone's in tonight (I know a lot of you will be going to Climax) I'll see you there! I need a drink this weekend, not been in town for months, so I'm coming down when I've finished my shift at the WMC. See you about 1ish!

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Just to say if anyone's in tonight (I know a lot of you will be going to Climax) I'll see you there! I need a drink this weekend, not been in town for months, so I'm coming down when I've finished my shift at the WMC. See you about 1ish!


BTW, Climax was GREAT! I met so many friends there and wished them the best before heading off to my parents here in Ireland.


To all at Dempsey's, see you in the NEW YEAR!!!:love:

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