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The Dempsey's Megathread


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I was thoroughly let down by Climax this time round it lacked a certain something and as for tyranna you're hilarious! you're *close dj friend* threatened me with the authorities too now this would possibly strike fear into someone who A) gave a sh*t and B) didn't know the law like the back of his hand!


Leave Pete alone he's entitled to his views (admittedly they're usually wrong lol) but still how the hell would you cope on something like the X FACTOR you'd be a wreck!

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Boring - I come on this thread hoping to hear about how everything's going and get a bitchfight. Take it outside, please...


Here's a new question for this thread - if you could change one little thing about Dempsey's , what would it be?


I'd say, get the toilets done up/made bigger - the ladies' are graffitied and broken :(

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Boring - I come on this thread hoping to hear about how everything's going and get a bitchfight. Take it outside, please...


Here's a new question for this thread - if you could change one little thing about Dempsey's , what would it be?


I'd say, get the toilets done up/made bigger - the ladies' are graffitied and broken :(


Well obviously your post will bring even more bitchy coments,esp from those who dont go, lol. (waits for them to come and post)


Anyway - what would I change, the stools, they are soo unpredicatable when you sit on them.

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You heading off to Ireland yourself over Xmas, Carborundum?


Which part?


I'll be visiting my folks in Cork over Xmas, but I'll also be in Ultimate Bar, Waterford on Dec 22nd and possibly other nights, and also in Dublin on and around the 30th!


For someone who is always going on (and on and on) about keeping it on topic, you're not exactly practising what you preach with this one, are you dear?

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Leave Pete alone he's entitled to his views (admittedly they're usually wrong lol) but still how the hell would you cope on something like the X FACTOR you'd be a wreck!


Fair do's, Damo. I would be happiest avoiding any more bitchfests in future!


BTW, let's keep this thread back ON TOPIC, which is Dempseys, and yes, Bensonhedges, thanks for reminding me of the obvious; well, you will notice I DID almost immediately post an apology that I should have asked the thread to go back on topic immediately beneath my chat to Carborundum...


Looking ahead to NEW YEAR'S EVE, Dempsey's should be the best night out, but you will have to get your tickets soon if they are not to sell out!


I believe they are something around 8 quid, and available in advance from the bar, but could someone please check about that.

Various people I know said that they will be wanting to go to Dempseys for NYE, and from what I heard, some of the staff will be dressing up in drag?


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I believe they are something around 8 quid, and available in advance from the bar, but could someone please check about that.


The tickets for Dempseys New Years Eve is £8 in advance, you can buy them on the door for £12, members only, open until 5am.


Club Xes are £5 a ticket, does say Limited Entry, whatever that means, and they open an hour later, 6am.


Fuel ticket prices on NYE, £10 if a wristband is purchased from Affinity, £12.50 at the door but they are only open until 3am. Then there is a Afterparty at Affinity which is open until 6am, price to follow.


F.A.B on NYE is £5 for members and non-members, 10pm until late.


For me its always been NYE at Dempseys.

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Here's a new question for this thread - if you could change one little thing about Dempsey's , what would it be?


I'd say, get the toilets done up/made bigger - the ladies' are graffitied and broken :(



What a good topic to keep going as a New Year's resolution! (Indeed, it would be worthwhile doing it for every club).


Although I love the place dearly, I too agree that Dempseys could ultimately reorganise their toilets; trouble is, they have very little spare space to work with in their premises, especially on the ground floor, but some improvements could be done, such as the quite cheap matter of strong bolts on the cubicles upstairs, vandal-proof toilet roll holders, etc.

Over the last 3 or 4 years as the reconstruction plan for The Moor has gathered pace, I, for one, have encountered various rumors that the present location of Dempseys 'will be redeveloped soon', 'will be safe for another 5 years', will be safe until 2012', and even 'will not be redeveloped at all'. With this kind of uncertainty from year to year, a club such as Dempseys would be unlikely to consider any major structural work/refits, such as the plan I remember a few years back to open up the top floor as an extra room.

If it really is the case that the buildings where Dempseys is will NOT have to be demolished as part of the redevelopments, there may well be potential for a radical update of the venue, but in the absence of that happening, I can say that I like the current new touches such as the new TV screens, and the 'cage' upstairs.


BTW, how did the New Year's Eve party go?

I guess the place was packed, like a busier version of a typical weekend, and I'm sorry I was away and missed the fun!

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What a good topic to keep going as a New Year's resolution! (Indeed, it would be worthwhile doing it for every club).


Although I love the place dearly, I too agree that Dempseys could ultimately reorganise their toilets; trouble is, they have very little spare space to work with in their premises, especially on the ground floor, but some improvements could be done, such as the quite cheap matter of strong bolts on the cubicles upstairs, vandal-proof toilet roll holders, etc.

Over the last 3 or 4 years as the reconstruction plan for The Moor has gathered pace, I, for one, have encountered various rumors that the present location of Dempseys 'will be redeveloped soon', 'will be safe for another 5 years', will be safe until 2012', and even 'will not be redeveloped at all'. With this kind of uncertainty from year to year, a club such as Dempseys would be unlikely to consider any major structural work/refits, such as the plan I remember a few years back to open up the top floor as an extra room.

If it really is the case that the buildings where Dempseys is will NOT have to be demolished as part of the redevelopments, there may well be potential for a radical update of the venue, but in the absence of that happening, I can say that I like the current new touches such as the new TV screens, and the 'cage' upstairs.


BTW, how did the New Year's Eve party go?

I guess the place was packed, like a busier version of a typical weekend, and I'm sorry I was away and missed the fun!


The Sheffield Star Newspaper on New Years Eve ran a article about up coming events for 2008 and talked about the regeneration that is going to happen in the city centre and it said that the "block of buildings at the very bottom of the Moor, opposite the old Post Office were due to be demolished" I assume this includes Dempseys (which would be a tragedy) so I doubt they will spend money doing anything up.

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